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Fayil:Homeless man, Tokyo, 2008.jpg

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Daga Wikipedia, Insakulofidiya ta kyauta.

Hoton asali (pikisal 2,734 × 2,075, girman fayil: 2.09 MB, irin MIME: image/jpeg)

Wannan hoto yazo daga Wikimedia Commons kuma za'a iya amfani dashi a wasu projects. Anan kasa an nuna asalin bayanin shi

This image has been selected as a Selected picture at the Portal Japan on English Wikipedia.


English: Elderly homeless man, Tokyo.
Deutsch: alter obdachloser Mann in Tokio
日本語: 高齢者のホームレス, 東京.
Français : Un sans abri âgé à Tokyo.
Español: Persona sin hogar mayor, en las calles de Tokio.
Türkçe: Evsiz adam, Tokyo.
Rana Taken on 2 Nuwamba 2008
Masomi Aikin na
Marubucin MichaelMaggs
(Sake amfani da wannan fayil)
The licence below allows you to use this image in any way you wish provided you attribute the image to me using the wording "Photo by Michael Maggs, Wikimedia Commons" and comply with the other licence terms. You do not need formal written permission to use the image, but I would appreciate it if you could let me know about your intended use. You can contact me by email, or if you do not have an account here you can leave a message on my talk page.
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
w:en:Creative Commons
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  • Jinginarwa – Dole ku bada jinjina da ta dace, samar da linki zuwa lasisin, da kuma bayyana ko kunyi sauyi. Zaku iya haka ta yadda ta dace, amma ba kowace hanya ba wanda zai nuna mai-lasisin yana goyon bayan ku ba ko goyon bayan amfanin da kuke yi ba.
  • Yada ahaka – Idan kuka maimaita, sabuntawa, ko kari akan wannan, dole ku bayar da gudunmuwar ku karkashin iri daya ko lasisi data dace kamar na asali.

Personality rights Although this work is freely licensed or in the public domain, the person(s) shown may have rights that legally restrict certain re-uses unless those depicted consent to such uses. In these cases, a model release or other evidence of consent could protect you from infringement claims. Though not obliged to do so, the uploader may be able to help you to obtain such evidence. See our general disclaimer for more information.
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 This is a featured picture on the Turkish language Wikipedia (Seçkin resimler) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here.

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Abubuwan da aka nuna a cikin wannan fayil

depicts Turanci

copyrighted Turanci

2 Nuwamba 2008

captured with Turanci

Canon EOS 20D Turanci

exposure time Turanci

0.008 sakan

f-number Turanci


focal length Turanci

55 millimetre

ISO speed Turanci


media type Turanci


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Rana/LokaciWadar sufaKusurwowiMa'aikaciBahasi
na yanzu18:32, 18 Mayu 2009Wadar sufa ta zubin 18:32, 18 Mayu 20092,734 × 2,075 (2.09 MB)MichaelMaggs{{Information |Description=Homeless man, Tokyo. |Source={{own}} |Date=2008-11-02 |Author=MichaelMaggs |Permission={{MichaelMaggs/Licensing}} |other_versions= }} Category:photographs by Michael Maggs [[Category:User:MichaelMaggs/

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