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Fayil:Muhammad al-Jawlani (cropped).png

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Muhammad_al-Jawlani_(cropped).png (pikisal 211 × 277, girman fayil: 102 KB, irin MIME: image/png)

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English: Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, the commander-in-chief of the Syrian militant group Tahrir al-Sham; he was also the commander-in-chief of its predecessor organisation, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham.
Masomi unknown
Marubucin unknown
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: Muhammad al-Jawlani.png
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This work was created in Syria and is now in the public domain there because its term of copyright has expired pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 12/2001, Syria's first ever copyright law (details). In order to be hosted on Commons, all works must be in the public domain in the United States as well as in their source country. Syrian works are currently in the public domain in the United States if their copyright had expired in Syria on the date of restoration (June 11, 2004) and the work was published before this date.

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  • Article 22 - "The author shall be entitled to his copyrights for his lifetime and fifty years thereafter. If the work is a combined effort of more than one author, then the copyrights are entitled for the lifetime and fifty years after the death of the last author party of the work."
  • Article 23 - "The work published without mention of the author or with the mention of a pseudonym shall be entitled to the copyrights for fifty years as of the date of the first legitimate publication. If the identity of the author is revealed or doubts are no longer valid as for specifying the same before such period lapses, the copyrights shall be applied as per the provisions of Article 22 of the law herein."
  • Article 24 - "Protection of audio - visual, broadcast, televised or cinematography work shall be enforceable for fifty years as of the date of producing the work."
  • Article 25 - "Photographic, fine arts or plastic arts shall be enforceable for ten years as of the date of producing such work."
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na yanzu16:13, 3 ga Faburairu, 2022Wadar sufa ta zubin 16:13, 3 ga Faburairu, 2022211 × 277 (102 KB)Photoshoper97File:Muhammad al-Jawlani.png cropped 39 % horizontally, < 1 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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