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Roman Reigns

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Roman Reigns
Haihuwa Pensacola (en) Fassara, 25 Mayu 1985 (39 shekaru)
ƙasa Tarayyar Amurka
Mazauni Pensacola (en) Fassara
Ƴan uwa
Mahaifi Sika Anoa'i
Ahali Rosey (en) Fassara
Yare Anoaʻi family (en) Fassara
Makaranta Escambia High School (en) Fassara
(2003 - 2003)
Pensacola Catholic High School (en) Fassara
(2003 - 2004)
Georgia Tech (en) Fassara
(2006 - 2006)
Harsuna Turanci
Sana'a American football player (en) Fassara, ɗan wasan kwaikwayo, professional wrestler (en) Fassara da professional wrestling (en) Fassara
Muƙami ko ƙwarewa defensive tackle (en) Fassara
Nauyi 120 kg
Tsayi 191 cm
Employers Florida Championship Wrestling (en) Fassara  (2010 -  2012)
WWE (en) Fassara  (19 ga Augusta, 2010 -
WWE SmackDown (en) Fassara  (2019 -  2024)
Sunan mahaifi Roman Reigns, Roman Leakee da Leakee
IMDb nm5195221

Leati Joseph “Joe” Anoaʻi (lafazin Samoan: [a.noˈaʔ.i] ah-no-AH ee; an haife shi a watan Mayun 25, 1985), wanda aka fi sani da sunansa na dambe Roman Reigns, ƙwararren ɗan kokawa ne na Amurka kuma tsohon ɗan wasan ƙwallon ƙafa na Amurka. [1] Ya sanyawa WWE hannu, inda yake yin aiki a karkashin tambarin SmackDown. Ana ɗaukarsa a matsayin ɗaya daga cikin ƙwararrun 'yan wasan kokawa a duniya,[2][3][4][5] Rike kambin Reigns na tsawon kwanaki 1,316 a matsayin Zakaran Wasan Dambe mara Hamayya na WWE ta Duniya shine sarauta na huɗu mafi tsayi a duniya a tarihin WWE kuma shine nasara mafi tsayi a gasar zakarun Turai tun daga 1988.

Sana'ar Kokowa

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Anoa'i ya sanya hannu kan kwangila tare da WWE a cikin 2010 kuma daga baya aka sanya shi zuwa yankin ci gaban su na Kokawa ta Florida Championship (FCW). Ya fara wasansa na farko a gidan talabijin a ranar 19 ga Agusta, 2010, yana amfani da sunan zobe Roman Leakee, a cikin sarautar yaƙi na mutum 15, wanda Alex Riley ya ci.[6] A ranar 16 ga [7]Janairu, 2011 episode na FCW, Leakee ya kasance mai fafatawa a cikin Grand Royal mai mutum 30, amma an kawar da shi.[8]  Daga baya a cikin 2011, Leakee ya kafa ƙungiyar tag tare da Donny Marlow kuma ma'auratan sun yi rashin nasara kalubalanci Calvin Raines da B[9]ig E Langston don FCW Florida Tag Team Championship a Yuli 8.[10]

A cikin Janairu 2012, Leakee ya lika FCW Florida Champion Leo Kruger a wasan da ba na taken ba.[11]A ranar 5 ga[12] Fabrairu na FCW, ya doke Dean Ambrose da Seth Rollins a wasa uku na barazana don zama lamba ta daya a gasar FCW Florida Heavyweight Championship. Ya kasa lashe gasar lokacin da ya sha kashi a hannun Kruger a mako mai zuwa.[13] Daga baya Leakee ya ci gasar FCW Tag Team Championship tare da Mike Dalton[14][15]kuma zai sauke taken zuwa CJ Parker da Jason Jordan jim kadan bayan.

Bayan WWE ta sake sanya sunan FCW zuwa NXT a cikin watan Agusta 2012, Anoa'i, tare da sabon sunan zobe Roman Reigns da kuma muguwar hali, ya fara halarta a cikin watan Oktoba 31 na NXT ta hanyar cin nasara akan CJ Parker.[16]Roman Reigns ya fara halartan babban gidan talabijin na sa na f[17]arko a ranar 18 ga Nuwamba, 2012, a taron biyan kuɗi na Survivor Series tare da Dean Ambrose da Seth Rollins, suna kai hari Ryback yayin babban taron barazanar sau uku na gasar WWE, yana barin CM Punk ya ci gaba.  take, ta haka suka kafa kansu a matsayin miyagu.[18] Su ukun sun ayyana kansu Garkuwa kuma sun sha alwashin yin zanga-zangar adawa da "rashin adalci", yayin da kuma suka musanta yin aiki ga Punk, duk da cewa za su ci gaba da fitowa daga taron don kai hari ga abokan adawar Punk, gami da Ryback da WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No (Daniel Bryan da  Kane).[19][20][21] Wannan ya haifar da wasan mutum shida na Tebura, Ladders, da Chairs a TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs a ranar 16 ga Disamba, inda Reigns, Ambrose da Rollins suka doke Team Hell No da Ryback a wasansu na farko.[22]Garkuwar ta ci gaba da taimakawa Punk a cikin Janairu 2013, tana kai hari ga Ryback da The Ro[23]ck.[24][25]  A ranar 28 ga Janairu na Raw, an bayyana cewa Punk da manajansa Paul Heyman suna biyan The Shield da Brad Maddox don yi musu aiki.[26]

Shield ɗin ya ƙare ba tare da ɓata lokaci ba tare da Punk yayin da suka fara jayayya da John Cena, Ryback da Sheamus wanda ya jagoranci wasan tambarin mutum shida a ranar 17 ga Fabrairu a Chamber Elimination, wanda Garkuwar ta yi nasara.[27][28]  Daga nan Garkuwan sun yi wasansu na farko na WrestleMania, inda suka doke Sheamus, Randy Orton da Babban Nunin a WrestleMania 29 a watan Afrilu.[29] Dare mai zuwa a Raw, Garkuwan sun yi ƙoƙarin kai wa The Undertaker hari, amma Team Jahannama No.[30] ya hana su.  Wannan ya kafa wasan tawaga na mutum shida a ranar 22 ga Afrilu na Raw, wanda Garkuwar ta yi nasara.[[31] A ranar 13 ga Mayu na Raw, Garkuwar da ba ta yi nasara ba a wasannin tambarin mutum shida da aka watsa ta talabijin ya ƙare a rashin cancantar rashin cancantar a wasan kawar da alamar tag da Cena, Kane da Bryan.[32]

Kwallon Kafarsa

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Anoaʻi ya buga kwallon kafa na tsawon shekaru uku a makarantar Katolika ta Pensacola da shekara guda a makarantar sakandare ta Escambia;  a cikin babban shekararsa, jaridar Pensacola News Journal ta sanya masa suna Defensive Player of the Year.  Yayin da yake a Cibiyar Fasaha ta Georgia, ya kasance memba na ƙungiyar ƙwallon ƙafa ta Georgia Tech Yellow Jaket tare da Calvin Johnson, wanda daga baya ya zama babban mai karɓa a cikin Hukumar Kwallon Kafa ta Ƙasa (NFL) kuma an shigar da shi cikin Gidan Wasan Kwallon Kafa na Pro.[33] Anoa'i ya kasance dan wasa na shekara uku wanda ya fara a sh[34]ekararsa ta biyu kuma yana daya daga cikin kyaftin din kungiyar a matsayin babba.[35] Ya sami lambar yabo ta ƙungiyar farko ta All-Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) a cikin 2006 bayan yin rikodin 40 tackles, fumbles biyu da aka dawo da su da buhu 4.5.[36]

Bayan an cire shi a cikin daftarin 2007 NFL, Minnesota Vikings sun sanya hannu kan Anoa'i a watan Mayu 2007. An gano shi da cutar sankarar bargo bayan ƙungiyar sa ta jiki kuma an sake shi daga baya a wannan watan.[37][38]  Jaguars na Jacksonville sun sanya hannu a cikin watan Agusta 2007, kawai don sakin Anoa'i ƙasa da mako guda kafin farkon lokacin 2007 NFL.[39] A cikin 2008, Edmonton Eskimos na Hukumar Kwallon Kafa ta Kanada (CFL) ta sanya hannu.[40]  Sanye da lamba 99, Anoaʻi ya buga wasa na kaka daya tare da Eskimos, wanda ke nuna wasanni biyar, wanda ya fara uku.[7][24]  Wasan da ya fi shahara da Anoa'i ya zo ne da Hamilton Tiger-Cats a watan Satumba, inda ya yi kunnen doki a kan jagorancin kungiyar da bugun fenareti guda biyar kuma ya yi tir da tilas.[32]  Eskimos ne suka sake Anoa'i a ranar 10 ga Nuwamba, kuma ya ci gaba da yin ritaya daga ƙwallon ƙafa.[7]

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