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BayaniStaghorn Kidney Stone Progression.png
English: Small crystals formed in kidney.
The most common renal calculi are made of Calcium oxalate and they are generally 4-5 mm
Staghorn Kidney Stones are considerably larger- and commonly made of Struvite.
1. Nucleation.. Calcium and Oxalate join together to make the crystal nidus.
Supersaturation joins them together (as does inhibition.)
There are two types of joining of crystals
- Homogenous- same comp
- Heterogenous- Cell debris
It is depositied at the Renal Papilla ( I )
2. Continued deposition at the Renal Papilla leads to growth of the kidney stones.
Step 3: Aggregation: Is where kidney stones grow and collect debris. In the case where the kidney stones block all routes to the Renal Papillae this can cause severe discomfort.
4:The complete staghorn forms and retention occurs.
Retention: Smaller solids that break off can become trapped in the urinary glands causing discomfort.
5: Displaced and travel through Uretha. If it can not be broken down it must be physically removed by a surgeon.
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