Text Appearing Before Image: TATA SIMBAR AXD TATA AW AX. The Semindo men (a district lying about a days journeyto the west) are credited with the invention of the designs;but the Palembangers, who are famous workers in wood, aregenerally the builders, and accommodate each district withthe style of tata or ornamentation peculiar to itself, whichit has retained for generations. The accompanying sketcheswill illustrate the designs most in vogue. On the lowermost Text Appearing After Image: IN SUMATRA. 187 beam, or Tailan-luan, that resting on the pillars, we have thecarving represented on page 186, and called tata bubur-talam;the second figure represents the carving on the Pahatan, orthe lower beam of the framework of the house; where thetata simbar commences the designs, followed by the tataawan, which either continues thewhole length of the beam alter-nately reversed till it is closedagain by a second tata simbar, orboth are used throughout alter-nately erect and reversed. Theinterior of the raised portion iseither left uncarved or is adornedwith the foliage and flowers, ofwhich the outlines appear in thedesign. This is the Ogan patternpar excellence. On the door-postsI found in some houses tata ramo- ramo (ramo means, wild beast) which is not true Ogan, butadopted from the Semindo people, and it is extremely interest-ing to observe how effective an ornament has resulted fromthe representation of a tiger or some such animal, in which the
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