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The author "Kevin Rutherford" is named
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2. Print media:
The author "Kevin Rutherford" is named
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Please send me a specimen copy or the URL of the website where the image is used, as I would like to know where my work appears. Please write an email, if you need my postal address for sending a specimen copy or have further questions regarding the terms of license.
Jinginarwa – Dole ku bada jinjina da ta dace, samar da linki zuwa lasisin, da kuma bayyana ko kunyi sauyi. Zaku iya haka ta yadda ta dace, amma ba kowace hanya ba wanda zai nuna mai-lasisin yana goyon bayan ku ba ko goyon bayan amfanin da kuke yi ba.
Yada ahaka – Idan kuka maimaita, sabuntawa, ko kari akan wannan, dole ku bayar da gudunmuwar ku karkashin iri daya ko lasisi data dace kamar na asali.