English: This is the modern waste unit of Enefit Green's Iru Power Plant (Estonia), which recycles up to 260,000 tons of mixed municipal waste per year. Heat and electricity are produced in an environmentally friendly way from municipal waste that was previously uselessly dumped in landfills. The waste block receives an average of 80 garbage trucks per day. Waste is not sorted on site, as the technical solution of the waste incineration plant does not require shredding or screening of mixed municipal waste before incineration. Garbage trucks are weighed on entering and leaving the plant. Each truck has its own electronic chip and as a result of the weighing, companies are automatically billed based on the weight of the waste.
Jinginarwa – Dole ku bada jinjina da ta dace, samar da linki zuwa lasisin, da kuma bayyana ko kunyi sauyi. Zaku iya haka ta yadda ta dace, amma ba kowace hanya ba wanda zai nuna mai-lasisin yana goyon bayan ku ba ko goyon bayan amfanin da kuke yi ba.
Yada ahaka – Idan kuka maimaita, sabuntawa, ko kari akan wannan, dole ku bayar da gudunmuwar ku karkashin iri daya ko lasisi data dace kamar na asali.