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Haihuwa Crotone (en) Fassara da Taranto (en) Fassara, 470 "BCE"
ƙasa Crotone (en) Fassara
Mutuwa Thebes (en) Fassara, 390 "BCE"
Harsuna Ancient Greek (mul) Fassara
Sana'a mai falsafa, Ilimin Taurari, masanin lissafi, ɗan siyasa, music theorist (en) Fassara da marubuci
Fafutuka Pythagoreanism
Wannan Muƙalar guntuwa ce: tana buƙatar a inganta ta, kuna iya gyara ta.

Philolaus (fɪlə ˈleɪəs / ; Girkanci na dā na Tsohuwar Girka , Philolaos ; c. 470 – c. 385 BCE )[1][2] masanin falsafa ne dalibin Pythagorean kafin Socratic. An haife shi a ƙasar Girka a ƙasar Italiya kuma ya yi hijira zuwa Girka. Ana ɗaukan Philolaus ɗaya daga cikin fitattun mutane uku a al'adar Pythagoriya kuma mafi fice a makarantar Pythagorean. Pythagoras ya samar da makarantar falsafar wacce ta ƙunshi ilimin lissafi da na sufanci. Yawancin abin da aka sani a yau game da ilimin taurari na Pythagorean an samo su ne daga hujjojin Philolaus. Wataƙila shi ne farkon wanda ya rubuta game da koyarwar Pythagorean. A cewar Augusta Böckh (1819), wanda ya ambaci Nicomachus, Philolaus shine magajin Pythagoras.[3]

  1. Huffman, Carl (2020), "Philolaus", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  2. "The most likely date for Philolaus' birth would then appear to be around 470, although he could have been born as early as 480 or as late as 440. He appears to have lived into the 380s and at the very least until 399." Carl A. Huffman, (1993) Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic, pages 5–6. Cambridge University Press
  3. Böckh, August (1819). Philolaos des Pythagoreers Lehren nebst den Bruchstücken seines Werkes. In der Vossischen Buchhandlung. p. 14. Pythagoras Lehren nebst den Bruchstücken seines Werkes.