Anika Noni Rose
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Rayuwa | |
Haihuwa |
Bloomfield (en) ![]() |
ƙasa | Tarayyar Amurka |
Karatu | |
Makaranta |
Florida A&M University (en) ![]() Bloomfield High School (en) ![]() |
Harsuna | Turanci |
Sana'a | |
Sana'a |
stage actor (en) ![]() |
Tsayi | 1.57 m |
Kyaututtuka | |
Ayyanawa daga |
Yanayin murya |
soprano (en) ![]() |
Kayan kida | murya |
IMDb | nm0741242 | |

Anika Noni Rose (an Haife ta Satumba 6, 1972) yar wasan kwaikwayo ce kuma mawaƙiyar Amurka. An fi saninta da yin magana Tiana, Gimbiya Ba-Amurkiyace ta farko ta Disney, a cikin The Princess and the Frog (2009). An ba ta suna Disney Legend a cikin 2011.
Rose starred as Lorrell Robinson in the Academy Award-w
inning film Dreamgirls (2006). She is also known for her performances in theatre, particularly for starring as Emmie Thibodeaux in the Broadway production of Caroline, or Change (2004), for which she won the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical, and Beneatha Younger in the Broadway revival of A Raisin in the Sun (2014), for which she was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play.
Rayuwar farko
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
An haifi Rose a Bloomfield, Connecticut, ga Claudia da John Rose, mashawarcin kamfani. Ta halarci makarantar sakandare ta Bloomfield, tana fitowa a cikin samar da makaranta a lokacin sabuwar shekararta. Ta sami digiri na farko a gidan wasan kwaikwayo daga Jami'ar Florida A&M, sannan ta yi karatun wasan kwaikwayo a gidan wasan kwaikwayo na Conservatory na Amurka da ke San Francisco.
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Farkon aiki
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Rose ta koma New York ba tare da aiki ba. Bayan watanni uku, ta taka rawar Rusty a Broadway's Footloose . Ta bi Footloose tare da tarurrukan bita da yawa da kida biyu ta amfani da kundin waƙa da aka rigaya, Eli's Comin' Off-Broadway da Ni da Mrs. Jones tare da Lou Rawls a Philadelphia. Dukansu cikakkun ma'auni [2] an yi ta yayatawa don canja wuri, amma ba su yi shi a ko'ina ba bayan ƙayyadaddun ayyukansu ya ƙare. Babban hutun Broadway na Rose yana yin simintin gyare-gyare a matsayin Emmie Thibodeaux a Caroline, ko Canji . A cikin 2004, an ba ta lambar yabo ta Theater World Award, lambar yabo ta Lucille Lortel don ƙwararrun 'yar wasan kwaikwayo, da lambar yabo ta Tony Award don Mafi kyawun Fitacciyar Jaruma a cikin Musical don Caroline, ko Canji .
Bayan fitowar fim din ta na farko, Sarkin Wasan Bingo, ta taka rawar Kaya a Daga Justin zuwa Kelly a 2003 kuma ta yi a cikin Gwaji a 2004, sannan Surviving Kirsimeti a matsayin mawaƙa a cikin mawaƙa. A cikin 2006, Rose ta yi tauraro a cikin Dreamgirls kamar yadda Lorrell Robinson tare da Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, da Eddie Murphy . Rose ya bayyana a cikin fina-finai Kawai Ƙara Ruwa da Razor .
Rose kuma tauraro tare da Jill Scott a cikin The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency directed by Anthony Minghella .
Gimbiya da Kwadi
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Rose an fi saninta da rawar da ta taka a cikin fasalin wasan kwaikwayo na Disney na 2009 The Princess and the Frog a matsayin muryar jagorar halin Tiana, halayyar ita ce gimbiya ta farko ta Ba'amurke ta Disney. Rose ta ce a lokacin, "Ba wai kawai [Tiana] ba ce gimbiya bakar fata ta farko, ita ce gimbiya ta farko ta Amurka. Don haka, fa'ida da mahimmancin ya fi girma fiye da yadda mutane ke fahimta." Rose ta kara da cewa tana fatan rawar da ta taka a fim din zai taimaka wajen tabbatar da kananan yara masu launin ruwan kasa ta hanyar ganin wanda ya kama su a cikin fim din Disney. Fim din da aka fitar a shekarar 2009, a shekarar da Barack Obama da Michelle Obama suka shiga fadar White House, ya zo kwata-kwata, a cewar wadanda suka kirkiro. Amma masu sharhi da yawa sun lura da yadda daidaituwar ta ƙarfafa kyakkyawar siffa ta ’yan Afirka-Amurka.
Rose ta dauki nauyin wasan nuna gari na Gimbiya da Frog ga yara daga Cibiyar Al'adu ta Charter Oak, cibiyar fasahar al'adu mai zaman kanta mai zaman kanta wacce ke ba da shirye-shiryen bayan makaranta kyauta a Hartford, Connecticut. Ayyukan Rose a cikin fim ɗin sun sami zaɓi ɗaya don lambar yabo ta NAACP da naɗi uku don lambar yabo ta Black Reel Awards . Ta lashe lambar yabo ta Black Reel Award don Mafi kyawun Ayyukan Murya.

An nada Rose a matsayin Disney Legend a ranar 19 ga Agusta, 2011. Rose ya ce, "A koyaushe ina mafarkin zama murya a cikin fim din Disney, amma ko da a cikin waɗannan mafarkai, ban taɓa yin mafarkin zama gimbiya ba ... Ina jin kamar abin girmamawa cewa wannan shine kuma yadda mafarkin ya zama gaskiya, mafi girma. kuma fiye da yadda nake zato."
Tiana's Bayou Adventure (2024)
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]A watan Yuni 2020, Disney ya ba da sanarwar cewa za su sake yin aikin hawan tsaunuka na Splash Mountain a cikin wuraren shakatawa na jigon Amurka tare da haruffa daga Gimbiya da Frog . Rose ta ce, "Abin farin ciki ne, mutane sun cika kuma a shirye suke. Ina ganin yana da kyau, musamman yanzu, a sake karfafa labarinta." Disney ya bayyana cewa tafiyar za ta gudana ne bayan abubuwan da suka faru na fim din, a lokacin bikin Carnival . Rose kuma ta kara da cewa za ta so Disney ta kirkiro gidan cin abinci na Tiana's Palace a wuraren shakatawa na jigo. "Na kasance ina fatan Fadar Tiana tsawon shekaru ... Ina da mafarkin su hada gwiwa tare da [New Orleans'] Café du Monde a kan wasu abubuwan da suka dace na gaske, suna da wasu kyawawan shrimp da grits da cake na sarki a lokacin Mardi Gras kakar. Kuma layi na biyu na lokaci-lokaci ta hanyar haɗin gwiwa. Ainihin duk abubuwan da nake so!" A watan Yuni 2022, Rose ta ambata cewa ta shiga tattaunawa da Disney kan yadda suke son tafiya ta kasance. A cikin Yuli 2022, Disney ya ba da sanarwar cewa za a kira hawan Tiana's Bayou Adventure kuma za a buɗe a Disneyland da Masarautar Magic a ƙarshen 2024. A watan Satumba na 2022, an tabbatar da cewa Rose za ta rama matsayinta na Tiana don hawan. A cikin Janairu 2023, an ba da sanarwar cewa Disneyland za ta canza gidan cin abinci na Kasuwar Faransa a cikin New Orleans Square na wurin shakatawa zuwa gidan cin abinci na Fadar Tiana. An buɗe fadar Tiana a watan Satumbar 2023.(((()June 2020, Disney announced that they would be reworking their flume ride Splash Mountain in their U.S. theme parks with characters from The Princess and the Frog. Rose said, "It's thrilling. People are amped and ready. I think it's awesome, particularly now, to be reinvigorating her story." Disney has stated that the ride will take place after the events of the film, during Carnival season.[3] Rose also added that she would love for Disney to create a Tiana's Palace Restaurant at the theme parks. "I've been looking forward to a Tiana's Palace for years... I have dreams of them partnering with [New Orleans'] Café du Monde on some real deal beignets, having some fantastic shrimp and grits and king cake during Mardi Gras season. And the occasional second line through the joint. Basically all the things I love!"[4][5][6] In June 2022, Rose mentioned that she has been involved with discussions with Disney on what they want the ride to be like.[7] In July 2022, Disney announced that the ride will be called Tiana's Bayou Adventure and will open in Disneyland and Magic Kingdom in late 2024.[8] In September 2022, it was confirmed that Rose would reprise her role as Tiana for the ride.[9] In January 2023, it was announced that Disneyland would convert its French Market Restaurant in the New Orleans Square section of the park into a Tiana's Palace restaurant.[10] Tiana's Palace opened in September 2023. [11] )))
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]A cikin 2010, Rose ta taka rawar Yasmine a cikin fim ɗin For Colored Girls wanda Tyler Perry ya ba da umarni kuma tare da Phylicia Rashad da Janet Jackson . Wani mai suka ya kwatanta aikin Rose a matsayin "musamman mai tsanani". Daga 2010 zuwa 2013, Rose yana da rawar baƙo-tauraro a cikin wasan kwaikwayo na TV na doka Mai Kyau . Ta taka rawar Sara Tidwell a cikin A&E miniseries Bag of Bones a cikin 2011, bisa ga littafin Stephen King novel mai suna iri ɗaya .
A cikin 2012, ta yi baƙo-tauraro a cikin shirin " Gone Abie Gone " a cikin kakar 24 na The Simpsons, tana bayyana matar Abe Simpson ta biyu, Rita LaFleur.
A cikin 2014, Rose ya koma Broadway a cikin farfaɗowar A Raisin a cikin Rana , yana karɓar zaɓi don Kyautar Tony Award don Mafi kyawun Fitar da Wasan kwaikwayo a cikin Wasan kwaikwayo. ((In 2014, Rose returned to Broadway in a revival of A Raisin in the Sun, receiving a nomination for the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play. [12] +)))

Rose ta buga babban Kizzy a cikin sassa biyu na Tushen Talabijin, wani sabon salo na littafin Alex Haley da sake yin miniseries na 1977 . Critic Alan Sepinwall, a cikin ba da shawarar Emmy da aka zaɓa zuwa Kwalejin Fasaha ta Talabijin & Kimiyya, ya kira ta "ɗaya daga cikin mafi kyawun sassan fitattun rukunin Tushen ". Ta taka rawa a cikin jerin Starz Power da jagorar rawar a cikin wasan kwaikwayo na 2017 BET The Quad . A cikin 2019, an sanya wa tauraro suna bayan Rose ta hanyar Rijistar Tauraro ta Duniya.(((Rose played the adult Kizzy in two episodes of television's Roots, an adaptation of the novel by Alex Haley and remake of the 1977 miniseries. Critic Alan Sepinwall, in suggesting Emmy nominees to the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, called her "one of the best parts of the outstanding Roots ensemble".[13] She had a role in the Starz series Power[14] and the leading role in the 2017 BET drama The Quad.[15] In 2019, a))) .
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]A yayin kulle-kullen cutar ta COVID-19 na shekarar 2020, Rose ta ƙirƙiri jerin mako-mako, Labarun Kwanciya ga Ƙananan Yara, inda ta karanta labarun lokacin kwanciya barci ga ƙananan yara don taimakawa rage fargabar su yayin kulle-kullen. Rose ta ce, "Ina son karatu ga yara, kuma ina so in ba wa kananan yaranmu wani abu mai laushi da kwantar da hankali a cikin wannan lokaci mai ban tsoro. Ina tsammanin labarin barci zai zama hanya mafi kyau. Zan iya ba da muryata ga wadanda suka mafi sani, ba tare da kowa ya bar gida ba." Ta kuma ce tana so ta taimaki yara su yi wauta, su yi amfani da tunaninsu, da kuma samun ƙaunar littattafan da Rose ta ce tana da ita tun tana ƙarama. A matsayin ɗaya daga cikin labaran da ke cikin jerin, Rose ya zaɓi littafin Gimbiya da Frog "Gwajin Girma na Tiana."(((home."[16] She also said that she wanted to help children act silly, use their imaginations, and find a love of books that Rose said she had as a child.[17][18] As one of the stories in the series, Rose chose the Princess and the Frog book "Tiana's Growing Experiment." [19] )))
A cikin 2020, Rose ta yi tauraro a cikin kiɗan Netflix Jingle Jangle: Tafiya ta Kirsimeti tana wasa Jessica Jangle. Rose ta yaba da hoton fim ɗin na ƙwararrun baƙi da launin ruwan kasa a cikin yanayin Ingilishi na Victoria.

A cikin 2021, ta buga hamshaƙin lauya, wanda ba shi da farin ciki wanda ke ɗaukar wata matashiya da ke guje wa alaƙar cin zarafi a cikin jerin iyakacin Netflix Maid .
Rayuwa ta sirri
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Rose ta auri Jason Dirden a watan Oktoba 2022. Bikin, wanda Colman Domingo ya jagoranci, ya faru a Paramour Estate a Los Angeles. Ma'auratan sun ɓoye aurensu a asirce kafin su sanar da cewa sun yi aure a mujallar Brides ranar 16 ga Janairu, 2023.<(Rose married actor Jason Dirden in October 2022. The wedding, which was officiated by Colman Domingo, took place at the Paramour Estate in Los Angeles. The couple kept their nuptials a secret before announcing they were married in Brides magazine on January 16, 2023. [20][21] )))
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Fim
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Year | Title | Role | Notes |
1999 | King of the Bingo Game | Film Noir Female | Short film |
2003 | From Justin to Kelly | Kaya | |
2004 | Temptation | Fog | |
Surviving Christmas | Choir | ||
2006 | Dreamgirls | Lorrell Maya Robinson | |
2008 | Just Add Water | R'ch'lle | |
2009 | The Princess and the Frog | Tiana (voice) | |
2010 | For Colored Girls | Yasmine | |
2011 | Company | Marta | |
2012 | Skyler | Therapist | |
2013 | As Cool as I Am | Frances | |
Khumba | Lungisa (voice) | ||
Half of a Yellow Sun | Kainene | ||
2014 | Imperial Dreams | Miss Price | |
2016 | Throne of Elves | Meyla (voice) | |
Grace for President | Narrator | Video short | |
2017 | Vixen | Kuasa (voice) | Video |
Everything, Everything | Dr. Pauline Whittier | ||
2018 | Assassination Nation | Nance | |
Ralph Breaks the Internet | Tiana (voice) | ||
2020 | Body Cam | Taneesha Branz | |
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey | Jessica Jangle | ||
2021 | The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain | Candace Wade | |
Injustice | Selina Kyle / Catwoman (voice) | ||
2023 | Once Upon a Studio | Tiana (voice) | Short film |
Outlaw Johnny Black | Jessie Lee |
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Year | Title | Role | Notes |
2001 | 100 Centre Street | Woman | Episode: "Domestic Abuses" |
2002 | Third Watch | Monay | Episode: "Thicker Than Water" |
2003 | Hack | Episode: "Hidden Agenda" | |
2007 | The Starter Wife | Lavender | Main cast |
2008–09 | The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | Grace Makutsi | Main cast |
2010–13 | The Good Wife | Wendy Scott-Carr | Recurring role (season 2–3), guest (season 4) |
2011 | LA Phil Live | Juliet | Episode: "Dudamel Conducts Tchaikovsky" |
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | Miriam Deng | Episode: "Scorched Earth" | |
Have a Little Faith | Annette | TV film | |
Bag of Bones | Sara Tidwell | Episode: "Part 1 & 2" | |
2012 | Private Practice | Corinne Bennett | Recurring role (season 5) |
Elementary | Dr. Carrie Dwyer | Episode: "Lesser Evils" | |
The Simpsons | Rita LaFleur (voice) | Episode: "Gone Abie Gone" | |
2013 | The Watsons Go to Birmingham | Wilona Sands Watson | TV film |
2014 | A Day Late and a Dollar Short | Paris Price | TV film |
Sofia the First | Princess Tiana (voice) | Episode: "Winter's Gift" | |
2015 | For Justice | Natalia Chapin | TV film |
2015–16 | Bates Motel | Liz Babbitt | Recurring role (season 3–4) |
2016 | Roots | Kizzy Waller | Episode: "Part 3 & 4" |
2016–17 | Power | LaVerne "Jukebox" Ganner | Recurring role (season 3–4) |
2017 | Voltron: Legendary Defender | Acxa (voice) | 2 episodes; role recast with Erica Luttrell |
2017–18 | The Quad | Dr. Eva Fletcher | Main cast |
2018 | American Masters | Lorraine Hansberry (voice) | Episode: "Lorraine Hansberry: Sighted Eyes/Feeling Heart" |
2018–19 | Disney Comics in Motion | Tiana (voice) | 2 episodes |
2019 | Avengers Assemble | Yemandi (voice) | Episode: "Yemandi" |
Beast Mode | Marsha Blackstone | TV film | |
2020 | Magical Girl Friendship Squad: Origins | Nut (voice) | Main cast |
Little Fires Everywhere | Pauline Hawthorne | Episode: "The Spark" & "The Uncanny" | |
2021 | Family Reunion | Miss Karen | Episode: "Remember Mazzi's First Love?" |
Them | Ella Mae Johnson | Recurring role | |
Maid | Regina | Main role | |
2021–22 | Amphibia | Dr. Jan (voice) | Recurring role (season 3) |
2022 | Let the Right One In | Naomi Cole | Main role |
Pantheon | Nicole, Side-Pony, Facility Manager, Ballet Teacher, News Anchor, Nurse, Joey (voices) | 4 episodes | |
2023 | Lego Disney Princess: The Castle Quest | Princess Tiana (voice) | TV special |
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Year | Title | Role | Notes |
2015–2016 | Vixen | Kuasa (voice) | Main role |
2023 | Star Wars: Visions | Eureka (voice) | Episode: "The Pit" |
Wasanin bidiyo
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Year | Title | Voice role |
2011 | Kinect Disneyland Adventures | Princess Tiana |
2012 | Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure |
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Year | Title | Role | Venue | Notes |
1998 | <i id="mwAsA">Insurrection: Holding History</i> | Katie Lynn | American Conservatory Theater | |
Valley Song | Veronica Jonkers | Berkeley Repertory Theater | ||
Hydriotaphia, or the Death of Dr. Browne | His Soul | Berkeley Repertory Theater | ||
1999 | Tartuffe | Marianne | American Conservatory Theater | |
Threepenny Opera | Polly Peachum | American Conservatory Theater | ||
2000 | Footloose | Rusty | Richard Rodgers Theatre | Broadway debut; replacement |
2001 | Carmen Jones | Cindy Lou | York Theatre | Off-Broadway |
Eli's Comin' | The Woman | Vineyard Theatre | ||
Me and Mrs. Jones | Cookie | Prince Music Theater | ||
2003 | Caroline, or Change | Emmie Thibodeaux | The Public Theater | Off-Broadway |
2004 | Eugene O'Neill Theatre | Broadway | ||
Ahmanson Theatre | ||||
2008 | Cat on a Hot Tin Roof | Maggie "The Cat" | Broadhurst Theatre | Broadway |
2011 | Company | Marta | David Geffen Hall | New York Philharmonic concert |
2013 | Hamilton | Angelica Schuyler | Vassar College | Workshop |
2014 | A Raisin in the Sun | Beneatha Younger | Ethel Barrymore Theatre | Broadway |
2018 | Carmen Jones | Carmen Jones | Classic Stage Company | Off-Broadway |
Kyaututtuka da zaɓe
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Year | Award | Category | Nominated work | Result |
2001 | Obie Award | Best Performance | Eli's Comin' | Lashewa |
2004 | Clarence Derwent Award | Best Supporting Female | Caroline, or Change | Lashewa |
Lucille Lortel Award | Outstanding Featured Actress | Lashewa | ||
Theatre World Award | Theatre World Award | Lashewa | ||
Tony Award | Best Featured Actress in a Musical | Lashewa | ||
Drama Desk Award | Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical | Ayyanawa | ||
2007 | NAACP Image Award | Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture | Dreamgirls | Ayyanawa |
Screen Actors Guild Award | Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture | Ayyanawa | ||
2008 | NAACP Image Award | Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special | <i id="mwA4o">The Starter Wife</i> | Ayyanawa |
Grammy Award | Best Compilation Soundtrack for Motion Pictures, Television, or Other Visual Media | <i id="mwA5M">Dreamgirls</i> | Ayyanawa | |
2009 | Satellite Award | Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film | The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | Ayyanawa |
2010 | NAACP Image Award | Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series | Ayyanawa | |
Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture | The Princess and the Frog | Ayyanawa | ||
Black Reel Award | Outstanding Voice Performance | Lashewa | ||
Outstanding Original Song | "Down in New Orleans" from The Princess and the Frog | Ayyanawa | ||
Outstanding Original Song | "Almost There" from The Princess and the Frog | Lashewa | ||
2011 | Outstanding Ensemble | For Colored Girls | Lashewa | |
Outstanding Supporting Actress | Ayyanawa | |||
NAACP Image Award | Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture | Ayyanawa | ||
Disney Legend Award | Animation – Voice | The Princess and the Frog | Lashewa | |
2012 | NAACP Image Award | Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series | Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | Ayyanawa |
2014 | Tony Award | Best Featured Actress in a Play | A Raisin in the Sun | Ayyanawa |
2019 | Lucille Lortel Award | Outstanding Lead Actress in a Musical | Carmen Jones | Lashewa |
Outer Critics Circle Award | Outstanding Actress in a Musical | Ayyanawa | ||
Drama Desk Award | Outstanding Actress in a Musical | Ayyanawa |
Bayanan kula
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Tuner": harshen wasan kwaikwayo wanda jaridar ciniki iri-iri ta gabatar.
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]- ↑ "Variety slanguage dictionary, glossary "t"". February 20, 2013. Archived from the original on December 18, 2015. Retrieved June 28, 2018.
- ↑ "Tuner": theatre parlance introduced by Variety trade newspaper.[1]
- ↑ "Storyline Revealed for Tiana's Bayou Adventure Coming to Disneyland and Walt Disney World". Laughingplace. September 11, 2022. Archived from the original on September 12, 2022. Retrieved September 14, 2022.
- ↑ "What to Expect From Disney's New Princess and the Frog Ride, According to Star Anika Noni Rose". Archived from the original on August 5, 2020. Retrieved August 23, 2020.
- ↑ "'The Princess And The Frog' Is Coming To Disney's Splash Mountain". Archived from the original on June 28, 2020. Retrieved August 23, 2020.
- ↑ "What The Princess And The Frog Voice Actress Wants To See In Splash Mountain Redesign At Disneyland". Archived from the original on August 5, 2020. Retrieved August 23, 2020.
- ↑ Barnes, Brooks (June 2, 2022). "Anika Noni Rose says Splash Mountain's Princess and the Frog revamp will open in 2024". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved June 2, 2022.
- ↑ Becker, Emma (July 1, 2022). "Disney Reveals Splash Mountain Will Be Transformed Into Tiana's Bayou Adventure by 2024". People magazine. Archived from the original on July 1, 2022. Retrieved July 1, 2022.
- ↑ Leishman, Rachel (September 11, 2022). "Tiana's Bayou Adventure Concept Art Shows Stunning Splash Mountain Redesign at D23 Expo". Collider. Archived from the original on September 11, 2022. Retrieved September 13, 2022.
- ↑ "Tiana's Palace to Replace The French Market at Disneyland Later This Year". Laughing Place. January 12, 2023. Archived from the original on January 12, 2023. Retrieved January 12, 2023.
- ↑ Gailey, Jackie (September 6, 2023). "Take a Virtual Tour Inside Tiana's Palace and See the New Food". Retrieved September 7, 2023.
- ↑ 2014 Tony Award Nominations - The Complete List; A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Leads With 10! Archived Nuwamba, 12, 2020 at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved May 5, 2014
- ↑ Alan Sepinwall, "These shows would make great Emmy nominees" Archived ga Yuni, 27, 2016 at the Wayback Machine, June 14, 2016.
- ↑ "Anika Noni Rose: "Half of a Yellow Sun" actress joins TV series "Power"". Pulse Nigeria. Chidumga Izuzu. December 9, 2015. Archived from the original on December 12, 2015. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
- ↑ "TV Review: 'The Quad' on BET".
- ↑ "Once Upon a Time: Tony Winner Anika Noni Rose Launches Bedtime Stories for the Littles!". Archived from the original on August 15, 2020. Retrieved August 23, 2020.
- ↑ "Anika Noni Rose Wants to Help Children Find Their Love of Books Like She Had as a Child". Archived from the original on January 23, 2021. Retrieved August 23, 2020.
- ↑ "Anika Noni Rose On Why She Decided to Start Her Weekly Bedtime Stories For the Littles!". Archived from the original on August 18, 2020. Retrieved August 23, 2020.
- ↑ "Tiana's Growing Experiment, Storytime with Anika Noni Rose". Archived from the original on 2023-10-14. Retrieved 2024-03-08.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
- ↑ "Anika Noni Rose and Jason Dirden's Los Angeles Wedding". Brides (in Turanci). Archived from the original on January 19, 2023. Retrieved 2023-01-19.
- ↑ "Anika Noni Rose and Jason Dirden reveal they tied the knot last year in first public announcement". (in Turanci). January 17, 2023. Archived from the original on January 19, 2023. Retrieved 2023-01-19.
Hanyoyin haɗi na waje
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]- Anika Noni Rose at the Internet Broadway Database
- Anika Noni Rose at the Internet Off-Broadway Database
- Anika Noni Rose on IMDb
- Anika Noni Rose at the Disney Legends Website