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The Fair Start Movement

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The Fair Start Movement
political movement (en) Fassara
Has goal (en) Fassara Haƙƙoƙin yara

The Fair Start Movement kungiya ce ta kare hakkin yara da ke ba da shawarar yin adalci tsakanin tsararraki . Yana yin haka ta hanyar haƙƙin haifuwa bisa tushen adalci don inganta yanayin muhalli da zamantakewar da ake haihuwar yara a ciki - ta hanyar amfani da ma'auni kamar Yarjejeniyar 'Yancin Yara. [1] [2] [3] Ƙungiyar tana ɗaukar waɗannan haƙƙoƙi a matsayin ainihin sharadi na zaɓen kai, tushen haƙƙin siyasa. Hannun jarin da aka gabatar sun haɗa da abubuwan ƙarfafawa don jinkirin haihuwa, haɗin jarirai, da kuɗin ƙaura na yanayi don taimakawa iyalai da ke ƙaura zuwa wurare masu aminci waɗanda rikicin yanayi ba zai yi tasiri ba. [4] [5] [6] [7] The Fair Start Movement yana da yuwuwar zama abin hawa don gyaran yanayi .

Ma'anar haƙƙin haihuwa ya haɗu da manufofin da manufofin adalci na zamantakewa, adalcin haihuwa, da adalcin muhalli, tare da adadinsu, amfani da fifikonsu da aka sanar da su ta hanyar ma'auni mai mahimmanci dangane da haƙƙin yara. [8] [9] [10] [11]

Ka'idar Shari'a

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

The Fair Start Movement yana aiki daga Zero Baseline Model, [12] [13] wanda ke nuna cewa ra'ayoyin halatta da wajibcin siyasa ya kamata su ba da fifiko ga daidaiton haihuwa tsakanin tsararraki. Wannan ya haɗa da renon yara bisa ga ƙa'idodin da ke ba su damar yin shawarwari kan sharuɗɗan kowane kwangilar zamantakewa a matsayin mutane masu 'yanci da daidaito, maimakon mayar da hankali kawai kan abubuwan da ba za a iya gani ba. [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] Bukatar tabbatar da kyakkyawar farawa ta zamantakewar zamantakewa a rayuwa ta dogara ne akan amincewar ecocide da mamaye duniya a matsayin barazanar wanzuwa ga tsararraki na yanzu da masu zuwa. [20]

Duba sauran bayanai

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
  1. "How Subsidizing Delayed Parenthood Will Let Children Lead the Way to a Fairer World" (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-04-24.[permanent dead link]
  2. Frey, Dr Sibylle (2022-10-13). "The Costs of Creation: Carter Dillard's Review of "Birth Rights and Wrongs", a Response by Dov Fox and a MAHB Commentary". MAHB (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  3. "How a 20th-Century Family Planning Agenda Fueled the Climate Crisis". Observatory (in Turanci). 2024-07-05. Retrieved 2024-07-05.
  4. "From Social Justice to Animal Liberation" (PDF).
  5. Tennent, James (2017-12-18). "Paul Ryan is being offered $25,000 to have a vasectomy". International Business Times UK (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  6. Weisbrod, Katelyn (2021-11-16). "More Young People Don't Want Children Because of Climate Change. Has the UN Failed to Protect Them?". Inside Climate News (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  7. "Being Free Means Getting Climate Reparations Right: But Not Everyone Is Onboard – OpEd". MAHB (in Turanci). 2023-08-09. Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  8. "Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William urged not to have a third baby". 2 August 2017.
  9. "MLC Foundation" (PDF). www.mlcfoundation.org.in. Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  10. Singer, Samantha (2018-03-26). "Group points to Murfreesboro case to stop neglectful parents from having more kids". WZTV (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  11. Dillard, Carter. "Open Letter to COP 28 Leadership: Correct Your Deadly Cost/Benefit Modeling, and Then Say and Act on These Eight Simple Words: All Children Deserve a Fair Start in Life". fairstartmovement.org (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  12. "Carter Dillard (Uehiro Centre, University of Oxford ; University of Oxford - Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics) has posted Fundamental Illegitimacy (Willamette Law Review, Forthcoming) on SSRN".
  13. Dillard, Carter (2021-07-19). "Constituting Over Constitutions". University of Bologna Law Review (in Turanci). 6 (1): 48–75. doi:10.6092/issn.2531-6133/13299. ISSN 2531-6133.
  14. "Behavioural changes for climate action with Michael Shank from Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance". thegreenroom.simplecast.com. Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  15. Dillard, Carter (2011–2012). "The Primary Right". Pace Environmental Law Review. 29: [v].
  16. Hamity, Matthew; Dillard, Carter; Bexell, Sarah M.; Graff-Hughey, Catharina (2019). "A Human Rights Approach to Planning Families". Social Change (in Turanci). 49 (3): 469–492. doi:10.1177/0049085719863894. ISSN 0049-0857.
  17. Dillard, Phoebe Barnard, Carter (2022-07-10). "Access to Family Planning Takes on New Urgency in a Post-Roe, Hotter World". Ms. Magazine (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  18. "Convention on the Rights of the Child".
  19. "Inside the Fair Start Movement". Ruby Warrington (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-07-06.
  20. Loki, Reynard (2024-04-26). "Should harming mother Earth be a crime? The case for ecocide | NationofChange" (in Turanci). Retrieved 2024-07-05.