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Margaret Thatcher

Daga Wikipedia, Insakulofidiya ta kyauta.
Margaret Thatcher
Chancellor of the College of William & Mary (en) Fassara

1993 - 2000
Warren E. Burger (en) Fassara - Henry Kissinger (en) Fassara
member of the House of Lords (en) Fassara

26 ga Yuni, 1992 - 8 ga Afirilu, 2013
member of the 50th Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

11 ga Yuni, 1987 - 16 ga Maris, 1992
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: 1987 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
President of the European Council (en) Fassara

ga Yuli, 1986 - Disamba 1986
Ruud Lubbers (mul) Fassara - Wilfried Martens (mul) Fassara
member of the 49th Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

9 ga Yuni, 1983 - 18 Mayu 1987
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: 1983 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
President of the European Council (en) Fassara

ga Yuli, 1981 - Disamba 1981
Dries van Agt (mul) Fassara - Wilfried Martens (mul) Fassara
First Lord of the Treasury (en) Fassara

4 Mayu 1979 - 28 Nuwamba, 1990
71. Firaministan Birtaniya

4 Mayu 1979 - 28 Nuwamba, 1990
James Callaghan (mul) Fassara - John Major
Minister for the Civil Service (en) Fassara

4 Mayu 1979 - 28 Nuwamba, 1990
member of the 48th Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

3 Mayu 1979 - 13 Mayu 1983
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: 1979 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
Leader of the Opposition (en) Fassara

11 ga Faburairu, 1975 - 4 Mayu 1979
Edward Heath (mul) Fassara - James Callaghan (mul) Fassara
Leader of the Conservative Party (en) Fassara

11 ga Faburairu, 1975 - 28 Nuwamba, 1990
Edward Heath (mul) Fassara - John Major
member of the 47th Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

10 Oktoba 1974 - 7 ga Afirilu, 1979
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: October 1974 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (en) Fassara

5 ga Maris, 1974 - 11 ga Faburairu, 1975
Anthony Crosland (mul) Fassara - Timothy Raison (mul) Fassara
member of the 46th Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

28 ga Faburairu, 1974 - 20 Satumba 1974
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: February 1974 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
Secretary of State for Education (en) Fassara

20 ga Yuni, 1970 - 4 ga Maris, 1974
Edward Short, Baron Glenamara (en) Fassara - Reg Prentice, Baron Prentice (en) Fassara
Member of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

20 ga Yuni, 1970 - 2013
member of the 45th Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

18 ga Yuni, 1970 - 8 ga Faburairu, 1974
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: 1970 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
Shadow Secretary of State for Education (en) Fassara

10 ga Janairu, 1967 - 20 ga Yuni, 1970 - Edward Short, Baron Glenamara (en) Fassara
member of the 44th Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

31 ga Maris, 1966 - 29 Mayu 1970
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: 1966 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
member of the 43rd Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

15 Oktoba 1964 - 10 ga Maris, 1966
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: 1964 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Pensions (en) Fassara

9 Oktoba 1961 - 16 Oktoba 1964
Patricia Hornsby-Smith (en) Fassara - Norman Pentland (en) Fassara
member of the 42nd Parliament of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara

8 Oktoba 1959 - 25 Satumba 1964
District: Finchley (en) Fassara
Election: 1959 United Kingdom general election (en) Fassara
president of the Oxford University Conservative Association (en) Fassara

1946 - 1947
Cikakken suna Margaret Hilda Roberts
Haihuwa Grantham (en) Fassara, 13 Oktoba 1925
ƙasa Birtaniya
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Ƙabila White British (en) Fassara
English people (en) Fassara
Harshen uwa Turancin Birtaniya
Mutuwa The Ritz London (en) Fassara, 8 ga Afirilu, 2013
Makwanci Royal Hospital Chelsea (en) Fassara
Yanayin mutuwa Sababi na ainihi (Bugun jini)
Ƴan uwa
Mahaifi Alfred Roberts
Mahaifiya Beatrice Ethel Stephenson
Abokiyar zama Denis Thatcher (en) Fassara  (13 Disamba 1951 -  26 ga Yuni, 2003)
Makaranta City Law School (en) Fassara
Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School (en) Fassara
Somerville College (en) Fassara
(1943 - 1947) Digiri a kimiyya : kimiya
Harsuna Turanci
Sana'a ɗan siyasa, chemist (en) Fassara, autobiographer (en) Fassara, Barrister da statesperson (en) Fassara
Tsayi 165 cm da 1.66 m
Wurin aiki Landan
Mamba The Royal Society (mul) Fassara
Privy Council of the United Kingdom (en) Fassara
Carlton Club (en) Fassara
Pilgrims Society (en) Fassara
Aikin soja
Ya faɗaci Falklands War (en) Fassara
Addini Methodism (en) Fassara
Anglicanism (en) Fassara
Jam'iyar siyasa Conservative Party (en) Fassara
IMDb nm0857137

Margarate Thatcher (1925-2013), shugabar jam'iyyar Conservative daga shekarar alif dari tara da saba'in da tara 1979 zuwa shekara ta alif dari tara da 1990, kuma ita ce mace ta farko da ta zama Firaministan ƙasar Birtaniya kuma ita ce tafi kowanne firaminista dadewa a kan kujerar a karni na ashirin, sannan kuma ta samu nasara a zaɓukan ƙasar har sau uku, wato dai sau uku tana zama Firaministan ƙasar a jere, tun daga shekarar 1979 da shekara ta 1983 da kuma shekarar 1987.[1]

An kuma haifi Margarate Thatcher ne a ranar 13 ga watan Oktoban shekarata 1925 , kuma ta yi Makarantar Firamare na Kesteven da kuma sakandaren 'yan mata ta Grantham da kuma Somerville na jami'ar Oxford.[2]

Kafin kuma ta shiga harkokin siyasa a shekara ta 1959, ta kasance mai bincike na kimiyyar Chemistry daga shekarar 1947-54. A shekarar 1954 ne kuma ta zama cikakkar lauya. Daga shekarar 1970 zuwa 1974 kuma ta zama sakatariyar harkokin ilmi ta Birtaniya.[3]

A zamanin mulkin ta ne dai Rhodesiya ta samu 'yancin kai ta zama Zimbabwe a shekarar 1979. Sai dai wani abu ɗaya da ya ƙara wa Magarate Thatcher farin jin, shi ne nasasar da dakarun Ingila suka samu a lokacin yaƙin tsibirin Falklands a shekarar 1982, abin da ya sa Birtaniyawa suka sake zaɓen ta a zaɓen shekara ta 1983. Gama ka ɗan daga cikin abinda take cewa bayan sarandar da Sojojin Angentina suka yi wanda kuma ya kawo ƙarshen Yaƙin, inda kuma take cewa: Ina son sheda maku sarandar da sojojin Argentina suka yi, wanda ya bai wa Birtaniya nasara a wannan yaƙi na mallakar tsibirin falklands: A shekarar 1990 ne Magarate Thatcher ta sauƙa daga kan muƙamin Firaministan Birtaniya, kuma sunan mijinta Sir Denis Thatcher. Kuma tana da 'ya'ya biyu Sir Marka Thatcher da kuma Hon.[4] Carol Thatcher da jikoki biyu mace da namiji. Yanzu haka dai Madam Thatcher tana da shekaru 84 a duniya.[5]

  1. In her foreword to the Conservative manifesto of 1979, she wrote of "a feeling of helplessness, that we are a once great nation that has somehow fallen behind".
  2. Winning support from a majority of her party in the first round of votes, Thatcher fell four votes short of the required 15% margin to win the contest outright. Her fall has been characterised as "a rare coup d'état at the top of the British politics: the first since Lloyd George sawed Asquith off at the knees in 1916."
  3. She was decidedly cool towards reunification prior to 1990, but made no attempt to block it.
  4. Lawson (1992, p. 64) lists the Thatcherite ideals as "a mixture of free markets, financial discipline, firm control over public expenditure, tax cuts, nationalism, 'Victorian values' (of the Samuel Smiles self-help variety), privatisation and a dash of populism".
  5. Campbell (2011a, p. 800) also writes about a third view that can be argued: Thatcher "achieved much less" than she and her "dries" would claim; she failed to curb public spending, diminish or privatise the welfare state, change fundamental attitudes of the general public, or "enhance" freedom where she had instead centralised control over "many areas of national life".
Wannan Muƙalar guntuwa ce: tana buƙatar a inganta ta, kuna iya gyara ta.