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'Yancin Dan Adam a Chadi

Daga Wikipedia, Insakulofidiya ta kyauta.
'Yancin Dan Adam a Chadi
human rights by country or territory (en) Fassara
Ƙasa Cadi
 15°28′00″N 19°24′00″E / 15.46667°N 19.4°E / 15.46667; 19.4
Kudin ƴancin yin addini a chadi

An bayyana 'yancin ɗan adam a Chadi a matsayin "talakawa"; misali, Freedom House ta tsara[yaushe?] kasar a matsayin "Ba Kyauta." [1] [2] Chadi ta sami maki 7 don 'yancin siyasa da 6 don 'yancin ɗan adam (tare da 1 shine mafi 'yanci, 7 kasancewa mafi ƙarancin 'yanci). [2]

A cewar Ma'aikatar Harkokin Wajen Amurka, "Matsalar haƙƙin ɗan adam na gwamnati ya ƙara tabarbarewa a cikin shekarar  ; jami’an tsaro sun aikata munanan laifuka na take hakkin bil’adama.” Daga cikin cin zarafi da aka lissafa akwai kashe-kashe ba bisa ka’ida ba, duka, azabtarwa, da fyade da jami’an tsaro suka yi ; iyaka kan ‘yancin fadin albarkacin baki da ‘yan jarida da ’yancin gudanar da taro ; kamawa da tsarewa ba bisa ka’ida ba, da kuma cin hanci da rashawa . [1] Jami'an tsaro suna aikata wadannan da sauran cin zarafi ba tare da "kusan jimla " ba . [1]

Amnesty International ta ruwaito[yaushe?] "Rashin zaman lafiya da ya yadu a gabashin Chadi ya haifar da mummunan sakamako ga mata, wadanda suka fuskanci mummunar cin zarafin bil'adama, ciki har da fyade, a lokacin hare-haren da aka kai kauyuka" daga mayakan Janjawid daga Sudan. Mata suna fuskantar wariya da tashin hankali. Kaciyar mata, duk da cewa a zahiri ba bisa ka'ida ba, har yanzu ana yin ta. [2] An kuma rubuta yadda ake cin zarafin 'yan jarida da masu fafutukar kare hakkin bil'adama da kuma yadda jami'an tsaron Chadi suka yi amfani da yara kanana sojoji, daga kungiyoyin kare hakkin bil'adama daban-daban. [1] [3]

Kungiyar Transparency International ta bayyana kasar Chadi a matsayin daya daga cikin kasashe masu cin hanci da rashawa a duniya. A cikin 2007 [ yana buƙatar sabuntawa ] , ya samu kashi 1.8 cikin 10 a cikin ma'aunin hasashe na cin hanci da rashawa (tare da 10 mafi ƙarancin cin hanci da rashawa). Tonga, Uzbekistan, Haiti, Iraq, Myanmar, da Somalia ne kawai suka zira ƙasa. [4] Masu sukar tsohon shugaban kasar Idriss Deby sun zarge shi da nuna son kai da kuma fifita kabilarsa ta Zaghawa . [5] Zaben Deby a watan Mayun 2006—wanda ya lashe wa'adi na uku - 'yan adawa sun kauracewa zaben, wadanda suka yi tir da sakamakon da cewa an tafka magudi. [6] Zaben da ya gabata, a shekarar 2001, shi ma jam'iyyun adawa na kallonsa a matsayin magudi, ko da yake tawagar masu sa ido daga kasashen waje ta ce an gudanar da zaben "ba tare da wata babbar matsala ko kuma tsoratarwa ba". [7] [8] [9]

Halin tarihi

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

ginshiƙi mai zuwa ya nuna kimar Chadi tun 1972 a cikin rahoton Freedom in the World, wanda Freedom House ke bugawa kowace shekara. Ƙimar 1 shine "mafi kyauta" kuma 7 shine "ƙananan kyauta".

Yarjejeniyoyi na duniya

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Matsayin kasar Chadi kan yarjejeniyar kare hakkin bil'adama ta kasa da kasa kamar haka:

Duba sauran bayanai

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]


  • 'Yancin addini a Chadi
  • Fataucin mutane a Chadi
  • Binciken Intanet da sa ido a Chadi
  • Hakkokin LGBT a Chadi
  • Siyasar Chadi

Bayanan kula

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
1. Lura cewa "Shekarar" tana nufin "Shekarar da aka rufe". Don haka, bayanin shekarar da aka yi alama ta 2008 ta fito ne daga rahoton da aka buga a shekara ta 2009, da sauransu.
2. ^ Tun daga ranar 1 ga Janairu.
3. ^ Rahoton na 1982 ya shafi shekara ta 1981 da rabi na farko na 1982, kuma rahoton na 1984 mai zuwa ya shafi rabin na biyu na 1982 da kuma gaba ɗaya 1983. Don samun sauƙi, waɗannan rahotannin "shekaru da rabi" guda biyu masu banƙyama an raba su zuwa rahotanni na tsawon shekaru uku ta hanyar haɗin gwiwa.

Hanyoyin haɗi na waje

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "Chad" Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2006. United States Department of State. Accessed on September 4, 2007.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Chad (2007) Freedom House. Accessed on September 4, 2007.
  3. "Chad: Army Forcibly Recruiting Youths, Rights Group Says" allAfrica.com. Accessed on December 16, 2007
  4. "Corruption Perceptions Index 2007" Archived 2008-04-28 at the Wayback Machine Transparency International. Accessed on December 16, 2007.
  5. "'Isolated' Déby clings to power" BBC News. April 13, 2006. Accessed on September 4, 2007.
  6. Country profile: Chad BBC News. Last updated: August 28, 2007. Accessed on September 4, 2007.
  7. "Deby re-elected president of Chad" Archived 2009-08-23 at the Wayback Machine CNN. May 28, 2001. Accessed on September 4, 2007.
  8. "Deby claims Chad electoral victory" BBC News. May 28, 2001. Accessed on September 4, 2007.
  9. Background Note: Chad United States Department of State. Accessed on September 4, 2007.
  10. United Nations. "United Nations Treaty Collection: Chapter IV: Human Rights: 1. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Paris, 9 December 1948". Archived from the original on 20 October 2012. Retrieved 2012-08-29.
  11. United Nations. "United Nations Treaty Collection: Chapter IV: Human Rights: 2. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. New York, 7 March 1966". Archived from the original on 11 February 2011. Retrieved 2012-08-29.
  12. United Nations. "United Nations Treaty Collection: Chapter IV: Human Rights: 3. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. New York, 16 December 1966". Archived from the original on 17 September 2012. Retrieved 2012-08-29.
  13. United Nations. "United Nations Treaty Collection: Chapter IV: Human Rights: 4. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. New York, 16 December 1966". Archived from the original on 1 September 2010. Retrieved 2012-08-29.
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