Tattaunawar user:Uncle Bash007

Barka da zuwa Hausa Wikipedia, Uncle Bash007! Mun ji daɗin gudummuwarka. Kuma ina fatan zaka tsaya ka ci gaba da bada gudummuwa. Anan ƙasa ga wasu shafuka da zasu taimake ka ka fahimci Hausa Wikipedia da yadda ake gyara ta:
- Gabatarwa
- Tutorial
- Cheatsheet
- Yadda ake rubuta muƙala
- Manufofin Hausa Wikipedia
- Shawarwari goma akan gyaran Wikipedia
Zaku iya yin sayinin rubutunku idan kuna akan shafukan tattaunawa ta hanyar alamar tilde guda huɗu, kamar haka (~~~~); yin hakan, zaisa sunanku da cikkaken kwanan wata. In kana buƙatar wani taimako, ku duba Wikipedia:Tutorial, ko kuma ka tambayeni a . Na gode. The Living love (talk) 14:26, 29 Nuwamba, 2019 (UTC)
[gyara masomin]Assalamu alaikum Mallam Bashir kana yawan fassara maƙaloli wanda wasu daga cikin su fassara bata da inganci. Dan Allah Ilimi fa muke yaɗawa sai munyi ƙoƙari mun kula ba sai mutum yayi da yawa ba yayi iya abinda zai iya amma mai inganci dan Allah dan'uwa ka fahimce ni. Kai kanada gogewa akan editing inaga ai sai dai kayiwa wasu tunatarwa, tunda kana ƙirƙirar maƙala a English Wikipedia shin su haka suke? Ansa a'a. To mu me yasa baza mu yi don ya zamo mana wata sadaqatu jariya duk wanda ya karanta rubutun da ka yaɗa zaka samu lada, amma idan kuma mutum yazo ya kasa karanta abinda yake tunanin ilimi ne kuma da harshen shi aka rubuta sai ya fara tunanin waɗanda suka rubuta abun basada ƙwarewa ko ma basu san me suke ba! Ina fatan zaka fahimceni. Na gode S Ahmad Fulani 21:12, 15 ga Yuni, 2022 (UTC)
- Amin wslm S Ahmad Fulani, ok nagode da tunatarwa kuma nima ban manta da cewa ilimi muke yadawa ba. Amma zaka iya bani misalin mukalar da na fassara wacce bata inganta ba. NagodeUncle Bash007 (talk) 06:24, 16 ga Yuni, 2022 (UTC)
- Don Allah don mutum yana yawan yin fassara ba wai yana nufin cewa kuskure bane. Duk wata fassara da nayi musamman na kwanannan ina tabbatar da cewa na bi sahunsa a kowanne sakin layi. Idan an sama kuskure kuma sai dai wanda ni ban lura ba, kuma kaima zaka iya gyarawa tunda kaima edita ne. NagodeUncle Bash007 (talk) 06:30, 16 ga Yuni, 2022 (UTC)
Assalamu alaikum barka da safiya fatan ka tashi lafiya. Ga wata maƙala nan, ka duba sashen "Tarihin Rayuwa" ta da kuma wannan. Idan ka bibiya maƙalolin da kayi na wani gasar "Sinimar kasar Ukraine" zaka gasu dama wani wajen ko mai karatu ya karanta babu abinda zai fahimta, ba wai nace duka basuda inganci bane, amma kai matsayin ka ya wuce kayi irin wannan fassara gaskiya. Na gode S Ahmad Fulani 08:12, 16 ga Yuni, 2022 (UTC)
- Wslm, tun wancan lokacin ne kuma akwai admin da yamun maganan haka. Zan gyarasu kuma da kaina. NagodeUncle Bash007 (talk) 22:38, 16 ga Yuni, 2022 (UTC)
Join us at Twitter
[gyara masomin]Take a look at Hausa Wikimedian Usergroup (@HausaUsergroup): https://twitter.com/HausaUsergroup?s=09 An@ss_koko(magana)(aiki) 17:57, 16 Mayu 2020 (UTC)
Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos na Hausa Community
[gyara masomin]Muna gayyatan kudan shiga gasar WPWP Contest na Hausa Community!
Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos na Hausa Community gasa ce ta duk shekara wanda editoci a Wikipedia daga Hausa Community User Group ke sanya hotuna a mukalolin da basu da ko keda karancin hoto articles. Wannan dan a inganta da karfafa amfani ne da dubannin hotunan da ake samu ne daga gasa daban-daban na hotuna da ake gudanarwa duk shekara, wanda Wikimedia community ke shiryawa a Wikipedia. hoto na inganta fahimtar mai karatu, da bayyana bayani, da sanya mukaloli suyi kyau. Gasar Kuma zata ba sabbin editoci da tsoffi damar inganta kwarewa, dan shiga samun kwarewa tuntube mu anan Emel.
Danna nan dan shiga gasa da Karin bayani..Em-mustapha t@lk 16:46, 26 ga Yuni, 2020 (UTC)
[gyara masomin]Dear Uncle Bash007,
Hope this finds you well. Just saw that you added a lot of content to Kano: well done! However generally on Wikipedia disambiguation pages are kept very short (for clarity, as they are just supposed to enable viewers to find the link to what they are looking for), and maybe it would be better to transfer the content you are adding to the two pages regarding Kano State and the city of Kano. Just a suggestion.
Nagode, –DonCamillo (talk) 06:35, 18 Mayu 2021 (UTC)
Gasar Hausa Wikipedia
[gyara masomin]Assalamu alaikum @Uncle Bash007,
Ina mai sanar da kai cewa za'a sanar da sakamakon gasa gobe idan Allah ya kaimu, ka duba wannan shafin domin ganin sakamakon gasa, sannan kyaututtuka za'a bayar dasu ne lokaci kadan bayan sanarwan. WP:Gasar Hausa Wikipedia ta Shekara-shekara, Nagode.-- An@ss_koko(Yi Magana) 11:16, 23 ga Yuni, 2021 (UTC)
Aslm.. Duba wannan shafin zakaga jigon shafin ya banbnta da ainihin mukalar, bansn yadda zan gyara ba https://ha.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filin_jirgin_saman_Maputo Uncle Bash007 (talk) 08:41, 27 ga Yuni, 2021 (UTC)
[gyara masomin]Barka dai Uncle Bash zakaga na cire wani sabon rubutu da kayi a Kofan Al'umma, saboda baka saka shi a sabon sashi ba kuma babu Signing a ciki. –Abubakar A Gwanki (talk) 12:09, 22 ga Yuli, 2021 (UTC) Barka.. da farko dai inaso ka sani cewa na saka shi a sabon shashi, sannan na biyu mantuwa nayi inyi signing kafin in dawo naga har an goge. Ai na dauka magana ake fara yiwa mutum ya gyara ba wai a cire kai tsaye ba!Uncle Bash007 (talk) 19:42, 22 ga Yuli, 2021 (UTC)
[gyara masomin]Hi, I noticed your support on my proposed grant, Thank you --Robertjamal12 (talk) 09:02, 4 ga Janairu, 2022 (UTC)
u welcome
[gyara masomin]It's a good proposal.. Uncle Bash007 (talk) 16:42, 4 ga Janairu, 2022 (UTC)
[gyara masomin]Hi, can you please block this IP address ?
It is vandalizing articles by inserting porn images here.
Check this revision about an hour ago Tumbuka Arch (talk) 03:18, 18 Disamba 2022 (UTC)
- Hello user:Tumbuka Arch, I have reviewed and block the IP address. Thank you for the heads up.Patroller>> 07:45, 18 Disamba 2022 (UTC)
Hausa Wikipedia Vital Articles
[gyara masomin]Barka da warhaka.
Naga sako a shafin tattaunawa na akan Hausa Wikipedia Vital Articles amma ban fahimce yanda zan kasance a cikin wannan ba.
Nagode Yahuzaishat (talk) 08:39, 5 ga Janairu, 2023 (UTC)
- Ok, zan sanya ki, cikin list din. Idan kuma kina neman karin bayani, ki tuntubeni ta email @muhammadbashiryahuza@gmail.com.Patroller>> 13:21, 11 ga Janairu, 2023 (UTC)
Ban this user
[gyara masomin]Assalamu Alaikum Brother
A user named “Ben Bilal” has vandalised the “Shari’a” article, “Ben Bilal” is a well known vandal who vandalises articles related to Islam by adding his own conspiracy theories and causes trouble for readers by using machine translation, he has already been banned on 10 wiki projects due to his disruptive behaviour and POV pushing.
he usually goes on small Wikipedia projects and adds his agenda to various articles, as he goes on small wikipedias it is easy for his vandalism to be unnoticed.
I recommend to ban him permanently and revert all his edits.
his edit: https://ha.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Shari%27a&diff=prev&oldid=210362
All other wikis he vandalises: https://guc.toolforge.org/?user=Ben+Bilal Dhdhdh72 (talk) 10:58, 25 ga Janairu, 2023 (UTC)
- Amin wa'alaikumussallam.
- Thank you very much for the heads up. I have reviewed your observations and I saw his edits in over 86 different Wikis all from Islamic related articles. I have blocked him permanently, and will look carefully into such contributions carefully. Thank you Patroller>> 14:12, 25 ga Janairu, 2023 (UTC)
[gyara masomin]- Hello Uncle Bash007 ! Thanks for your article about Ukraine Telnyuk Sisters (mawaka), but maybe you would like to write some more articles from the following list:
- uk:Юлія Саніна
- uk:Клімат України
- uk:Національний природний парк «Тузловські лимани»
- uk:Екологічні наслідки російсько-української війни (2022)
- uk:Список паралімпійських чемпіонів України
- uk:10 найкращих спортсменів України
- uk:Вороний Юрій Юрійович
- uk:Грінченко Тамара Олексіївна
- uk:Пивоваров Артем Володимирович
- uk:Обстріли Маріуполя 24 січня 2015
- uk:Асканія-Нова (заповідник)
- uk:Ставка Верховного Головнокомандувача (Україна)
- uk:Воєнні злочини під час війни Росії проти України (2022)
- uk:Максимов Дмитро В'ячеславович
- uk:Повернись живим
- uk:Турчин Ігор Євдокимович
- uk:Слуга народу
- uk:Кокуш Анатолій Акимович
- uk:Чорнобильський радіаційно-екологічний біосферний заповідник
- uk:Диктаторські закони 16 січня
- uk:Куликов Андрій Вікторович
- uk:Помаранчеве небо
- uk:Всесвіт (журнал)
- uk:Заборонений
- uk:Волобуєв Михайло Симонович
- uk:Табашник Катерина Олександрівна
- uk:Україна в ООН
- uk:Слово
- uk:Дивлюсь я на небо, та й думку гадаю…
- uk:Євробачення. Національний відбір
- uk:Два кольори
- uk:ONUKA
- uk:YUNA
- uk:M1 Music Awards
- uk:Таврійські ігри
- uk:Вакуленко Володимир Володимирович
- uk:Запорожець за Дунаєм
- uk:Сінькевич Юлія Львівна
- uk:Російський дятел
- uk:Стоп-Земля
- uk:Академік Вернадський
- uk:Станично-Луганський заповідник
- uk:Зірки жердини
- uk:Pur:Pur
- uk:Zоряна
- uk:Країна Мрій (фестиваль)
- uk:Vivienne Mort
- uk:Lama
- uk:Україна на Паралімпійських іграх
- uk:Бандерштат
- uk:Ой у лузі червона калина
- uk:Вільна (пісня Тіни Кароль та Юлії Саніної)
- uk:Україна на Паралімпійських іграх
- uk:Kazka
- uk:Матвієнко Ніна Митрофанівна
- uk:Український інститут книги
- uk:Оранжлав
- uk:Маруся Чурай
- uk:The Hardkiss
- uk:Mari Cheba
- uk:Марія Берлінська
- uk:Сергєєв Юрій Анатолійович
- uk:Вавилон'13
- uk:Генеральна карта України
- uk:Смирнов Віктор Сергійович
- uk:Журавлі (пісня The Hardkiss)
- uk:Васалатій Вікторія Віталіївна
- uk:Іловайськ 2014. Батальйон Донбас
- uk:Данча Аннамарі Михайлівна
- uk:Антонівський міст
- uk:Обединський Євген Олександрович
- uk:Битва за Гостомель
- uk:Зоряний корсар
- uk:Володимир Золкін
- uk:Перехід церковних громад до ПЦУ
- uk:Правда Ярославичів
- uk:Гіркі жнива
- uk:Коваленко Віктор Володимирович
- uk:Новосад Анастасія Юріївна
- uk:Червона рута
- uk:Антитіла (гурт)
- uk:Grammarly
- uk:Гордійчук Ігор Володимирович
- uk:Матюшенко Михайло Юрійович
- uk:Малишев Євген Валентинович
- uk:Ленюк Олег Олегович
- uk:Миколаєнко Володимир Васильович
- uk:Лукаш Микола Олексійович
- uk:студія Квартал-95
- uk:Мистецький арсенал
- uk:Шаптала Сергій Олександрович
- uk:Веселі, брате, часи, настали...
- uk:Паламар Святослав Ярославович
- uk:Коцюбайло Дмитро Іванович
- uk:Прокопенко Денис Геннадійович
- uk:Максиміліан Левчин
- uk:Українська Гельсінська спілка
- uk:Північна війна в Україні
- uk:ПДМШ ім. Пирогова
- uk:Харківська правозахисна група
- uk:Чорноморська зернова ініціатива
- uk:Кондратюк Олена Костянтинівна
- uk:Лубінець Дмитро Валерійович
- uk:Ізоляція
- uk:Щедрик (фільм)
- uk:Кагал Максим Володимирович
- uk:Ноосфера (криголам)
- uk:Україна (назва)
- uk:Запорізька АЕС
- uk:Каховська ГЕС
- uk:Слобідська Україна
- uk:Запороги (телесеріал)
? Best wishes — Yasnodark (разговор) 15:41, 18. април 2023. (CEST)
[gyara masomin]@Uncle Bash007 Hello, don't you think it would be good to have African Wikipedia languages on home page found on this template? Yawancin wiki na Turai suna da jerin harsunan Turai, don haka wiki na Afirka suma yakamata su sami jerin harsunan Afirka. Again, this helps Hausas to explore other African wikis directry from the main page. Na gode. Idan kuna da wasu tunani, gaya mani.--- Tumbuka Arch★★★ 12:45, 11 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- Yeah, I think it would be great. It will also create connection within African Wikis.. but how can we add them? Le me know if there is anything I can do to help.Patroller>> 13:08, 11 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 I know how to add them. In fact, let me add them. Feel free to revert if it does not look good. Na gode.Tumbuka Arch★★★ 16:20, 11 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 Can you protect this page into "Auto confirmed users" as currently it is set to "sysops" only. I wanted to add the languages, but it is protected. Tumbuka Arch★★★ 16:25, 11 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Tumbuka Arch, it's done.. goodluck.Patroller>> 06:32, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 Can you change Main Page settings into "Allow editing by Auto confirmed users" for just temporary. You will change back the settings after 3 hours. It is because all the templates on home page are using "cascading protection" which means they get protection from the main page as they are transcluded. Tumbuka Arch★★★ 08:15, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Tumbuka Arch, it's done.. check it out.Patroller>> 10:04, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 Done! Check it out. You can protect the home page back to its former settings to avoid unnecessary disrupting. Na gode. Tumbuka Arch★★★ 11:35, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 We also need to fix some templates and other pages about countries, remove outdated ones. For example, almost every country is having two same infobox templates with similar info. See Kenya, Uganda, etc. There are two infobox templates there, which are all same and are squeezing the article page. But this can be done slowly when we have time :) Tumbuka Arch★★★ 11:44, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- Whenever u're ready @Tumbuka Arch, Looking forward..Patroller>> 13:26, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 We also need to fix some templates and other pages about countries, remove outdated ones. For example, almost every country is having two same infobox templates with similar info. See Kenya, Uganda, etc. There are two infobox templates there, which are all same and are squeezing the article page. But this can be done slowly when we have time :) Tumbuka Arch★★★ 11:44, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 Done! Check it out. You can protect the home page back to its former settings to avoid unnecessary disrupting. Na gode. Tumbuka Arch★★★ 11:35, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Tumbuka Arch, it's done.. check it out.Patroller>> 10:04, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 Can you change Main Page settings into "Allow editing by Auto confirmed users" for just temporary. You will change back the settings after 3 hours. It is because all the templates on home page are using "cascading protection" which means they get protection from the main page as they are transcluded. Tumbuka Arch★★★ 08:15, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Tumbuka Arch, well done.. it really make sense.Patroller>> 13:25, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Tumbuka Arch, thank you..Patroller>> 13:31, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Tumbuka Arch, it's done.. goodluck.Patroller>> 06:32, 12 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 Can you protect this page into "Auto confirmed users" as currently it is set to "sysops" only. I wanted to add the languages, but it is protected. Tumbuka Arch★★★ 16:25, 11 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
- @Uncle Bash007 I know how to add them. In fact, let me add them. Feel free to revert if it does not look good. Na gode.Tumbuka Arch★★★ 16:20, 11 ga Yuni, 2023 (UTC)
Thank you for being a medical contributors!
[gyara masomin]![]() |
The 2023 Cure Award |
In 2023 you were one of the top medical editors in your language. Thank you from Wiki Project Med for helping bring free, complete, accurate, up-to-date health information to the public. We really appreciate you and the vital work you do!
Wiki Project Med Foundation is a thematic organization whose mission is to improve our health content. Consider joining for 2024, there are no associated costs. Additionally one of our primary efforts revolves around translation of health content. We invite you to try our new workflow if you have not already. Our dashboard automatically collects statistics of your efforts and we are working on tools to automatically improve formating. |
Thanks again :-) -- Doc James along with the rest of the team at Wiki Project Med Foundation 22:25, 3 ga Faburairu, 2024 (UTC)
Fixing infoboxes
[gyara masomin]Hello Uncle Bash007, hope you are doing well.
The infoboxes (especially infobox country) are more complicated than new users can learn to edit them. Imagine the new user clicks on it to change a minor error inside it and it has to take them to wikidata where they will further get lost. I suggest we use the standard version ones just like the English Wikipedia. Or like the one I created and use at my home wiki, see it here (the infobox) which is also similar to enwiki.
If this is okay, we can open a community page about the change where other users may have their suggestions. If it is not a big deal at all, I could then go ahead and start creating such templates. It is a lot of work and it may need more than 550 sub templates and minor templates to completely work 100%. It requires a lot of time but I will be doing it slowly and could finish in 2-3 days.
If you suggest to keep the current template system, let me know as well.
Hope you are having a good day.
Thanks :)
-- Tumbuka Arch★★★ 21:10, 12 ga Afirilu, 2024 (UTC)
Affiliations Committee News (January-March 2024)
[gyara masomin]
You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa
Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: Recognition of Cyprus, Botswana, Niger, and Telugu user groups
Affiliate Activities Report: Reports from Belgium, South African, and Ukrainian chapters
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement with the new Affiliates Strategy and Movement Charter drafts
AffCom Administration: New AffCom members and advisors
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:56, 18 ga Afirilu, 2024 (UTC)
Tunatarwa don jefa kuri'a yanzu don zaɓar membobin U4C na farko
[gyara masomin]- Kuna iya samun wannan sakon da aka fassara zuwa ƙarin harsuna akan Meta-wiki. Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa
Ya ku 'yan Wikimedia,
Kuna karɓar wannan saƙo saboda a baya kun shiga cikin tsarin UCoC.
Wannan tunatarwa ce cewa lokacin jefa ƙuri'a na Kwamitin Daidaitawa da Gamayyar Tsarin Gudanarwa (U4C) yana ƙare ranar 9 ga Mayu, 2024. Karanta bayanin akan Shafin jefa ƙuri'a akan Meta-wiki don ƙarin koyo game da zaɓe da cancantar masu jefa ƙuri'a.
Kwamitin Daidaitawa da Gamayyar Tsarin Gudanarwa (U4C) ƙungiya ce ta duniya da aka keɓe don samar da daidaito da daidaiton aiwatar da UCoC. An gayyaci membobin al'umma don gabatar da aikace-aikacen su na U4C. Don ƙarin bayani da alhakin U4C, da fatan sake duba Tsarin Dokan ta U4C.
Da fatan za a raba wannan sakon tare da membobin al'ummar ku don su ma su shiga ciki.
A madadin Kungiyar Ayyukan UCoC,
RamzyM (WMF) 23:11, 2 Mayu 2024 (UTC)
Affiliations Committee News (April-June 2024)
[gyara masomin]
You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa
Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: Recognition of Madagascar, Senegal, Republic of Congo, and Namibia user groups
Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world
AffCom Conflict Intervention: Six active conflicts, no new reports for Q4
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at Wikimedia Summit and ESEAP Conference
AffCom Administration: Officers elections and departing members
Upcoming AffCom Events: AffCom at Wikimania 2024
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:30, 15 ga Yuli, 2024 (UTC)
1,716 pages in Rukuni:Candidates for speedy deletion
[gyara masomin]Hello! I noticed that there is a very high amount of pages tagged for deletion. I wonder, are the pages supposed to be deleted or should the deletion tag be removed? Or does the pages have to be reviewed one by one? If the tag is to be deleted it is possible to do with a bot. –MGA73 (talk) 08:44, 30 ga Yuli, 2024 (UTC)
- Yes, most are supposed to be deleted. I’ll go through them and recover the ones with less faults and notify you to delete the ramaining. Thank you. 12:02, 30 ga Yuli, 2024 (UTC)
Affiliations Committee News (July-September 2024)
[gyara masomin]You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa
Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: Recognition of Togo, Wayúu, and Singapore user groups
Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world
AffCom Conflict Intervention: Updates on conflict intervention cases
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at Wikimania
AffCom Administration: Results of the officers elections
Upcoming AffCom Events: AffCom at WikiIndaba and a strategy meetup
Other Movement News: Regional conferences, mental health support, and new committee support inboxMediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:55, 7 Oktoba 2024 (UTC)
Affiliations Committee News (October-December 2024)
[gyara masomin]
You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Kuyi ƙoƙarin fassara wannan saƙo zuwa Hausa
Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: User group application pause lifted
Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world
AffCom Conflict Intervention: Updates on conflict intervention cases
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at WikiIndaba
AffCom Administration: Mari Avetisyan appointed new AffCom secretaryMediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:04, 5 ga Faburairu, 2025 (UTC)