User:Sabon Harshe/Ƙamus
Hausa da Turanci (1,668)[1]
Hausa | Hausa (furucci) | Turanci |
duniya | dúuníyàa | the world |
ƙasa | ƙásáa | the land |
ƙasa | ƙásáa | the soil |
ƙura | ƙùuráa | the dust |
taɓo | tàɓóo | the mud |
yashi | yàashíi | the sand |
ƙasa | ƙásáa | the sand |
tsauni | tsáunìi | the mountain or hill |
dutse | dúutsèe | the mountain or hill |
tudu | túdùu | the mountain or hill |
hayi | háyìi | the cliff or precipice |
fili | fíilíi | the plain |
kwari | kwárìi | the valley |
rafi | ràafíi | the valley |
tsibiri | tsìbíríi | the island |
bakin ruwa | bàakín ruwaa | the shore |
gaɓa | gáaɓàa | the shore |
kogo | kòogóo | the cave |
ruwa | rúwáa | the water |
teku | tèekú | the sea |
baha, bahar | báhàa, báhàr̃ | the sea |
kumfa | kúmfáa | the foam |
teku | tèekú | the ocean |
baha, bahar | báhàa, báhàr̃ | the ocean |
tafki | táfkìi | the lake |
igiyar ruwa | ígíyàr̃ rúwáa | the wave |
raƙumin ruwa | ràaƙúmín rúwáa | the wave |
kogi | kòogíi | the river or stream |
guguwa | gùugúwàa | the whirlpool |
rijiya | ríijìyáa | the spring or well |
fadama | fàdámàa | the swamp |
daji | dáajìi | the woods or forest |
kurmi | kúrmíi | the woods or forest |
daji | dáajìi | the savanna |
itace | ítàacée | the wood |
dutse | dúutsèe | the stone or rock |
gigizar ƙasa | gìgízàr̃ ƙásáa | the earthquake |
sama | sámà | the sky |
rana | ráanáa | the sun |
wata | wátàa | the moon |
tauraro | tàuràaróo | the star |
mai haske | mài háskée | the lightning |
tsawa | tsáawáa | the thunder |
aradu | àr̃áadùu | the bolt of lightning |
tarnatsa | tár̃nátsáa | the bolt of lightning |
hadari | hádàríi | the storm |
bakan gizo | bàkán gízòo | the rainbow |
haske | háskée | the light |
duhu | dúhùu | the darkness |
inuwa | ínúwàa | the shade or shadow |
raɓa | ráaɓáa | the dew |
iska | ískàa | the air |
iska | ískàa | the wind |
gajimare | gàajìmàarée | the cloud |
hazo | házóo | the fog |
ruwan sama | rúwán sámàa | the rain |
ƙanƙara | ƙànƙáráa | the snow |
ƙanƙara | ƙànƙáráa | the ice |
daskare | dáaskàrée | to freeze |
yanayi | yánayìi | the weather |
wuta | wútáa | the fire |
harshen wuta | hárshèn wútáa | the flame |
hayaui | háyáaûíi | the smoke |
tururi | tùrùríi | the steam |
toka | tòokáa | the ash |
garwashi | gárwáashíi | the embers |
ƙona | ƙóonàa | to burn(1) |
ƙone | ƙóonèe | to burn(2) |
kunna | kúnnàa | to light |
hura | húuràa | to light |
kashe | káshèe | to extinguish |
ashana | àsháanáa | the match |
ice | ícèe | the firewood |
gawayi | gáwàyíi | the charcoal |
mutum | mùtûm | the person |
namiji | námíjì | the man |
mace | màcè | the woman |
namiji | námíjì | male(1) |
tamace | támàcè | female(1) |
yaro | yáaròo | the boy |
matashi | mátàashíi | the young man |
yarinya | yáarínyàa | the girl |
budurwa | bùdúrwáa | the young woman |
ɗa | ɗáa | the child(1) |
’ya | 'yáa | the child(1) |
jariri | jàríirìi | the baby |
miji | míjìi | the husband |
mata | màatáa | the wife |
aura | àuráa | to marry |
aure | áurée | the wedding |
kashe aure | káshè áurée | the divorce |
uba | ùbáa | the father |
uwa | úwáa | the mother |
iyaye | íyàayée | the parents |
mahaifa | máhàifáa | the parents |
miji | míjìi | the married man |
ango | ángòo | the married man |
mata | màatáa | the married woman |
amariya | ámáríyáa | the married woman |
ɗa | ɗáa | the son |
’ya | 'yáa | the daughter |
ɗa | ɗáa | the child(2) |
ɗan uwa | ɗán úwáa | the brother |
yaya | yàayáa | the older brother |
ƙane | ƙánèe | the younger brother |
’yar uwa | 'yár̃ úwáa | the sister |
yaya | yàayáa | the older sister |
ƙanuwa | ƙánúwàa | the younger sister |
ɗan uwa | ɗán úwáa | the sibling |
’yar uwa | 'yár̃ úwáa | the sibling |
wa | wâa | the older sibling |
ya | yâa | the older sibling |
auta | àutáa | the younger sibling |
tagwaye | tágwàayée | the twins |
kaka | kàakáa (1) | the grandfather |
tsoho | tsóohóo | the old man |
kaka | kàakáa (1) | the grandmother |
tsohuwa | tsóohúwáa | the old woman |
kakanni | kàakànníi | the grandparents |
jika | jíikàa | the grandson |
jika | jíikàa | the granddaughter |
jika | jíikàa | the grandchild |
kawu | kàawúu | the uncle |
rafani | r̃áafàníi | the uncle |
kawu | kàawúu | the mother's brother |
rafani | r̃áafàníi | the mother's brother |
babani | bàabáaníi | the father's brother |
abbani | ábbàaníi | the father's brother |
inna | ínnàa | the aunt |
inna | ínnàa | the mother's sister |
iya | íyàa | the mother's sister |
baba | báabà | the father's sister |
babani | báabàaníi | the father's sister |
gwaggo | gwággò | the father's sister |
ɗan wa | ɗán wâa | the nephew |
’yar wa | 'yár̃ wâa | the niece |
ƴar wa or ɗan wa | ƴar̃ wâa or ɗan wâa | the sibling’s child |
ɗan uwa | ɗán úwáa | the cousin |
’yar uwa | 'yár̃ úwáa | the cousin |
kakan kaka | kàakán kàakáa | the ancestors |
zuriya | zúur̃íyàa | the descendants |
suruki | sùrúkíi | the father-in-law (of a man) |
suruki | sùrúkíi | the father-in-law (of a woman) |
suruka | sùrúkáa | the mother-in-law (of a man) |
suruka | sùrúkáa | the mother-in-law (of a woman) |
surukai | sùrùkái | the parents-in-law |
suruki | sùrúkíi | the son-in-law (of a man) |
suruki | sùrúkíi | the son-in-law (of a woman) |
suruka | sùrúkáa | the daughter-in-law (of a man) |
suruka | sùrúkáa | the daughter-in-law (of a woman) |
agola | ágòolà | the child-in-law |
uba kinta | ùbáa kíntàa | the stepfather |
uwa kinta | úwáa kíntàa | the stepmother |
agola | ágòolà | the stepson |
agoliya | ágóolìyáa | the stepdaughter |
maraya | màráayàa | the orphan |
marainiya | màráinìyáa | the orphan |
bazawara | bàzáwàr̃áa | the widow |
gwauro | gwáuróo | the widower |
dangi | dángìi | the relatives |
iyali | ìyáalìi | the family |
ni | níi | I |
kai | kái (1) | you (singular) |
ke | kée | you (singular) |
shi | shíi | he/she/it |
ita | ítá | he/she/it |
shi | shíi | he |
ita | ita | she |
mu | múu | we |
mu | múu | we (inclusive) |
mu (na) | múu (ná) | we (exclusive) |
ku | kúu | you (plural) |
su | súu | they |
dabba | dábbàa | the animal |
namiji | námíjì | male(2) |
tamace | támàcè | female(2) |
dabbobi | dábbóobíi | the livestock |
garke | gárkèe | the livestock |
makiyaya | mákíyáayáa | the pasture |
makiyayi | mákìyàayíi | the herdsman |
barga | bàr̃gáa | the stable or stall |
garke | gárkèe | the stable or stall |
shanu | sháanúu | the cattle |
garken shanu | gárkèn sháanúu | the cattle |
bijimi | bìjímíi | the bull |
sa | sâa (1) | the ox |
saniya | sáanìyáa | the cow |
maraƙi | màráƙíi | the calf |
tunkiya | túnkìyáa | the sheep |
rago | ràagóo | the ram |
tunkiya | túnkìyáa | the ewe |
ɗan rago | ɗán ràagóo | the lamb |
’yar tunkiya | 'yár̃ túnkìyáa | the lamb |
gadu | gàdúu | the boar |
tamacen alade | támàcèn àládèe | the sow |
alade | àládèe | the pig |
akwiya | àkwíyàa | the goat |
bunsuru | bùnsúrúu | the he-goat |
ɗan akwiya | ɗán àkwíyàa | the kid |
’yar akwiya | 'yár̃ àkwíyàa | the kid |
doki | dóokìi | the horse |
ingarma | íngár̃màa | the stallion |
goɗiya | góoɗíyáa | the mare |
duƙushi | dùƙúshíi | the foal or colt |
jaki | jàakíi | the donkey |
alfadari | àlfádàr̃íi | the mule |
kaza | kàazáa | the fowl |
zakara | zàkáràa | the cock/rooster |
kaza | kàazáa | the hen |
daƙwalwa | dáƙwálwáa | the hen |
kaza | kàazáa | the chicken |
sagara | sàagáráa | the chicken |
dinya | dínyáa | the goose |
agwagwa | àgwàagwá | the duck |
sheƙa | shèeƙáa (1) | the nest |
tsuntsu | tsúntsúu | the bird |
zalɓe | zálɓèe | the heron |
gaggafa | gággáfáa | the eagle |
shaho | sháahòo | the hawk |
ungulu | ùngùlúu | the vulture |
jemage | jéemáagèe | the bat |
aku | àkú | the parrot |
hankaka | hànkáakàa | the crow |
kurciya | kúrcíyáa | the dove |
mujiya | múujìyáa | the owl |
dimilmilo | dìmílmílóo | the cormorant |
kare | kàrée | the dog |
zomo | zóomóo | the rabbit |
mage | màagée | the cat |
ƙyanwa | ƙyânwáa | the cat |
ɓera | ɓéer̃áa | the mouse or rat |
kifi | kíifíi | the fish |
ƙege | ƙéegée | the fin |
ƙaya | ƙáayàa | the scale |
harza | hàrzáa | the gill |
ƙumba | ƙùmbáa | the shell |
gwando | gwándòo | the freshwater eel |
zaki | záakìi | the lion |
yanyawa | yânyáawàa | the fox |
barewa | bàréewáa | the deer |
biri | bírìi | the monkey |
giwa | gíiwáa | the elephant |
raƙumi | ràaƙúmíi | the camel |
ƙwaro | ƙwàaróo | the insect |
kwalkwata | kwàlkwátàa | the head louse |
kwarkwata | kwàr̃kwátàa | the body louse |
ƙyaya | ƙyáayáa | the nit |
ƙuma | ƙùmáa | the flea |
tunkuyau | tùnkùyáu | the flea |
shanshani | shànshàaníi | the centipede |
kunama | kùnáamàa | the scorpion |
kyankyaso | kyànkyásòo | the cockroach |
kiyashi | kíyáashíi | the ant |
gizo | gízòo | the spider |
tautau | tàutáu | the spider |
saƙar gizo | sáaƙàr̃ gízòo | the spider web |
zuma | zúmàa | the bee |
kakin zuma | káakìn zúmàa | the beeswax |
amya | ámyàa | the beehive |
zanzaro | zànzáróo | the wasp |
ƙuda | ƙúdáa | the fly |
ƙyashi | ƙyáashíi | the sandfly or midge or gnat |
sauro | sáuróo | the mosquito |
gara | gàráa | the termites |
kaska | káskàa | the tick |
tsutsa | tsúutsàa | the worm |
maciji | mácìijíi | the snake |
zomo | zóomóo | the hare |
ɓarɓarwa | ɓàrɓárwáa | the quail |
kurege | kùréegée | the squirrel |
dabgi | dábgìi | the anteater |
maƙesu | màƙèesúu | the firefly |
hawainiya | hàwáinìyáa | the chameleon |
ɓauna | ɓáunáa | the buffalo |
malam buɗe littafi | máalàm bùuɗè líttáafíi | the butterfly |
fara | fàaráa | the grasshopper |
dodon kwaɗi | dòodón kwàɗíi | the snail |
kwaɗo | kwàɗóo | the frog |
ƙadangare | ƙàdángárèe | the lizard |
kada | kádàa | the crocodile or alligator |
kififiya | kìfíifíyàa | the turtle |
jiki | jìkíi | the body |
fata | fáatàa | the skin or hide |
nama | náamàa | the flesh |
gashi | gáashìi | the hair |
gemu | géemùu | the beard |
gashin jiki | gáashìn jìkíi | the body hair |
gashin gaba | gáashìn gàbáa | the pubic hair |
zaza | záazáa | the pubic hair |
amosanin kai | àmóosànín kâi | the dandruff |
jini | jíníi | the blood |
jijiyar jini | jíijíyàr̃ jíníi | the vein or artery |
ƙashi | ƙàshíi | the bone |
haƙarƙari | hàƙárƙàríi | the rib |
ƙaho | ƙàhóo | the horn |
wutsiya | wútsíyàa | the tail |
baya | báayáa | the back |
ƙashin baya | ƙàshín báayáa | the spine |
kai | kâi | the head |
kwiɓi | kwíɓìi | the temples |
kwanya | kwányáa | the skull |
ƙwalƙwalwa | ƙwálƙwálwáa | the brain |
fuska | fúskàa | the face |
goshi | gòoshíi | the forehead |
haɓa | háɓàa | the jaw |
kunci | kúncìi | the cheek |
kumatu | kúmàatúu | the cheek |
haɓa | háɓàa | the chin |
ido | ídòo | the eye |
gira | gíráa | the eyebrow |
fatar ido | fáatàr̃ ídòo | the eyelid |
gashin ido | gáashìn ídòo | the eyelash |
ƙifta | ƙíftàa | to blink |
kunne | kûnnée | the ear |
fatar kunne | fáatàr̃ kûnnée | the earlobe |
dauɗar kunne | dáuɗàr̃ kûnnée | the earwax |
hanci | háncìi | the nose |
kafar hanci | kàfár̃ háncìi | the nostril |
kaki | kàakíi | the nasal mucus |
baki | bàakíi | the mouth |
bakin tsuntsu | bàakín tsúntsúu | the beak |
leɓe | léeɓèe | the lip |
harshe | hárshèe | the tongue |
hakori | hákóoríi | the tooth |
dasashi | dáasàshíi | the gums |
matauni | mátáuníi | the molar tooth |
wuya | wúyàa | the neck |
ƙeya | ƙéeyàa | the nape of the neck |
maƙwagwaro | màƙwágwàróo | the throat |
kafaɗa | kàafáaɗàa | the shoulder |
allon kafaɗa | àllón kàafáaɗàa | the shoulderblade |
ƙashin kafaɗa | ƙàshín kàafáaɗàa | the collarbone |
hannu | hánnúu | the arm |
hammata | hámmàtáa | the armpit |
gwiwar hannu | gwíiwàr̃ hánnúu | the elbow |
wuyan hannu | wúyàn hánnúu | the wrist |
hannu | hánnúu | the hand |
tafin hannu | tàafín hánnúu | the palm of the hand |
yatsa | yátsàa | the finger |
babban ɗan yatsa | bàbbán ɗán yátsàa | the thumb |
farce | fárcèe | the fingernail |
akaifa | ákàifáa | the claw |
ƙafa | ƙáfàa | the leg |
cinya | cínyàa | the thigh |
ƙwauri | ƙwàuríi | the calf of the leg |
gwiwa | gwíwàa | the knee |
ƙafa | ƙáfàa | the foot |
diddige | díddígèe | the ankle |
diddige | díddígèe | the heel |
sawu | sáawúu | the footprint |
akaifa | ákàifáa | the toe |
fiffike | fíffíkèe | the wing |
gashi | gáashìi | the feather |
ƙirji | ƙìrjíi | the chest |
nono | nóonòo | the breast |
bakin mama | bàakín màamá | the nipple or teat |
hantsa | hántsàa | the udder |
cibiya | cíibíyàa | the navel |
ciki | cíkìi | the belly |
zuciya | zúucìyáa | the heart |
huhu | hùuhúu | the lung |
hanta | hántàa | the liver |
ƙoda | ƙóodàa | the kidney |
saifa | sáifàa | the spleen |
tumbi | tùmbíi | the stomach |
hanji | hánjíi | the intestines or guts |
tsatso | tsátsòo | the waist |
gindi | gìndíi | the hip |
cinya | cínyàa | the hip |
ɗuwawu | ɗúwàawúu | the buttocks |
jijiya | jíijíyàa | the sinew or tendon |
mahaifa | máháifáa | the womb |
golo | góolóo | the testicles |
bura | bùuráa | the penis |
azzakari | àzzákàr̃íi | the penis |
farji | fár̃jìi | the vagina |
duri | dúurìi | the vagina |
gato | gátòo | the vagina |
farji | fár̃jìi | the vulva |
yi numfashi | yí númfáashíi | to breathe |
yi hamma | yí hámmàa | to yawn |
yi shaƙuwa | yí sháƙúwàa | to hiccough |
yi tari | yí tàaríi | to cough |
yi atisha | yí átìsháa | to sneeze |
yi gumi | yí gùmíi | to perspire |
yi jiɓi | yí jìɓíi | to perspire |
yi zufa | yí zúfàa | to perspire |
tofa | tóofàa | to spit |
yi amai | yí ámái | to vomit |
ciza | cìizáa | to bite |
lasa | làasáa | to lick |
dalala | dàláalà | to dribble |
yi barci | yí bárcíi | to sleep |
yi minshari | yí mínsháaríi | to snore |
yi kakari | yí káakáaríi | to snore |
yi mafarki | yí máfár̃kíi | to dream |
farka | fár̃kàa | to wake up |
yi tusa | yí túusàa | to fart |
yi fisari | yí físáaríi | to piss |
yi kashi | yí káashíi | to shit |
kwanta da mace | kwántàa dà màcè | to have sex |
ci mace | cí màcè | to have sex |
yi jimma’i | yí jìmmáa'ìi | to have sex |
yi saduwa | yí sàadúwáa | to have sex |
yi karkarwa | yí kár̃kár̃wàa | to shiver |
yi kyarma | yí kyár̃máa | to shiver |
yi wanka | yí wánkáa | to bathe |
haifa | hàifáa | to beget |
haifa | hàifáa | to be born |
da ciki | dà cíkìi | pregnant |
ɗau ciki | ɗáu cíkìi | to conceive |
da rai | dà râi | to be alive |
rayuwa | ràayúwáa | the life |
mutu | mútù | to die |
a mace | à màcé | dead |
cun ruwa | cîn rúwáa | to drown |
nitse | nítsèe | to drown |
kashe | káshèe | to kill |
gawa | gáawáa | the corpse |
ƙwarangwal | ƙwàràngwál | the carcass |
binne | bínnèe | to bury |
kabari | kábàr̃íi | the grave |
mai ƙarfi | mài ƙárfíi | strong |
rago | rágóo | weak |
mai lafiya | mài láafíyàa | healthy |
maras lafiya | máràs láafíyàa | sick/ill |
zazzaɓi | zàzzàɓíi | the fever |
maƙoƙo | màƙóoƙòo | the goitre/goiter |
mura | múr̃àa | the cold |
ciwo | cíiwòo | the disease |
cuta | cùutáa | the disease |
rauni | ràuníi | the wound or sore |
ƙurji | ƙúrjíi | the wound or sore |
kuje | kúujèe | the bruise |
kumburi | kùmbúríi | the swelling |
ƙaiƙayi | ƙàiƙàyíi | the itch |
sosa | sóosàa | to scratch |
ƙurji | ƙúrjíi | the blister |
maruru | màarúurùu | the boil |
mugunya | múgúnyàa | the pus |
tabo | tábòo | the scar |
warke | wárkèe | to cure |
likita | líkítà | the physician |
magani | máagàníi | the medicine |
guba | gúbàa | the poison |
gaji | gàjí | tired |
huta | húutàa | to rest |
malalaci | málàalàcíi | lazy |
rago | rágóo | lazy |
mai sanƙo | mài sánƙóo | bald |
gurgu | gúrgùu | lame |
bebe | béebée | deaf |
kurma | kúrmáa | deaf |
kurma | kúrmáa | mute |
makafo | màkáafòo | blind |
bugu | bùgú | drunk |
ɓutuk | ɓútúk | naked |
tsirara | tsiráaràa | naked |
ci | cí | to eat |
abinci | àbíncí | the food |
dafaffe | dàfáffée | cooked |
ɗanye | ɗányée | raw |
nuna | nùuná | ripe |
ɗanye | ɗányée | unripe |
ruɓe | rúɓèe | rotten |
sha | sháa | to drink |
ji yunwa | jí yúnwàa | to be hungry |
bala’in yunwa | bàláa'ìn yúnwàa | the famine |
ji ƙishirwa | jí ƙíshírwáa | to be thirsty |
lasa | láasàa | to suck |
tsotsa | tsóotsàa | to suck |
tauna | táunàa | to chew |
haɗe | háɗèe | to swallow |
ƙwaru | ƙwàrú | to choke |
dafa | dáfàa | to cook |
tafasa | tàfásà | to boil |
gasa | gásàa | to roast or fry |
gasa | gásàa | to bake |
huru | húur̃ùu | the oven |
obin | óobìn | the oven |
tukunya | túkúnyáa | the pot |
sakani | sàkáanìi | the kettle |
kwano | kwáanòo | the pan |
tasa | táasàa | the dish |
tasa | táasàa | the plate |
kwano | kwáanòo | the bowl |
akushi | ákùushíi | the bowl |
bukuru | búkúr̃úu | the bowl |
tulu | tùulúu | the jug/pitcher |
moda | móodáa | the cup |
kwaf | kwâf | the cup |
tasa | táasàa | the saucer |
ƙoshiya | ƙòoshíyàa | the spoon |
cokali | cóokàlíi | the spoon |
wuƙa | wúƙáa | the knife(1) |
cokali mai yatsa | cóokàlíi mài yáatsàa | the fork |
fok | fôk | the fork |
kurshet | kùr̃shêt | the fork |
hursheti | hùr̃shéetìi | the fork |
hantsaki | hàntsákíi | the tongs |
abinci | àbíncí | the meal |
tuwo | túwóo | the meal |
karin kumallo | kárìn kùmállóo | the breakfast |
abincin rana | àbíncín ráanáa | the lunch |
abincin dare | àbíncín dárée | the dinner |
abincin yamma | àbíncín yâmmáa | the supper |
ɓare | ɓáarèe | to peel |
rariya | ráaríyáa | to sieve or to strain |
tankaɗa | tánkàɗáa | to sieve or to strain |
karta | kár̃tàa | to scrape |
dama | dáamàa | to stir or to mix |
cakuɗa | cáakùɗáa | to stir or to mix |
yamutse | yáamùtsée | to stir or to mix |
burodi | búr̃óodìi | the bread |
ƙullu | ƙùllúu | the dough |
cuɗa | cúuɗàa | to knead |
mulmula | múlmùláa | to knead |
gari | gàaríi | the flour |
daka | dákàa | to crush or to grind |
niƙa | níƙàa | to crush or to grind |
ma’aikata | má'áikátáa | the mill |
injin niƙa | ínjìn níƙàa | the mill |
turmi | túrmíi | the mortar(1) |
taɓarya | táɓáryáa | the pestle |
nama | náamàa | the meat |
romo | róomóo | the soup |
kayan lambu | káayán làmbúu | the vegetables |
wake | wáakée | the bean |
dankalin nasara | dànkálìn násáar̃áa | the potato |
’yar itace | ’yár̃ ítàacée | the fruit |
ɗauri | ɗáurìi | the bunch |
ɓaure | ɓáurée | the fig |
inabi | ínàbíi | the grape |
ƙwaya | ƙwàayáa | the nut |
zaituni | zàitúunìi | the olive |
mai | mâi | the oil |
maiƙo | máiƙòo | the grease or fat |
gishiri | gíshíríi | the salt |
masoro | màsóor̃óo | the pepper |
barkono | bàr̃kònóo | the chili pepper |
zuma | zúmàa | the honey |
sukari | súkàr̃íi | the sugar |
nono | nóonòo | the milk |
tatsa | tàatsáa | to milk |
cuku | cúkúu | the cheese |
man shanu | mân sháanúu | the butter |
abin sha | àbín shâa | the drink |
giya | gíyàa | the wine |
inabi | ínàbíi | the wine |
giya | gíyàa | the beer |
burkutu | bùr̃kùtù | the beer |
ƙwai | ƙwái | the egg |
ƙwanduwa | ƙwándùwáa | the yolk |
sa | sâa (2) | to put on |
tufafi | túfáafìi | the clothing or clothes |
maɗinki | máɗìnkíi | the tailor |
tela | téelà | the tailor |
yadi | yáadìi | the cloth |
tisu | tìsî | the cloth |
ulu | úulù | the wool |
lilin | lílìn | the linen |
auduga | áudùgáa | the cotton |
siliki | sìlíkìi | the silk |
alharini | àlhàr̃íníi | the silk |
fata | fáatàa | the fur |
fata | fáatàa | the leather |
kaɗa | káɗàa | to spin |
kwarkwaro | kwárkwáróo | the spindle |
mazari | mázáríi | the spindle |
saƙa | sáaƙàa | to weave |
saƙa | sáaƙàa | the loom |
ɗinka | ɗínkàa | to sew |
allura | àllúur̃àa | the needle(1) |
basilla | bàsílláa | the awl |
tasubala | tásúbálà | the awl |
zare | zàrée | the thread |
rina | rínàa | to dye |
alkyabba | àlkyábbàa | the cloak |
rigar mata | rìigár̃ máatáa | the (woman's) dress |
rob | r̃ôb | the (woman's) dress |
kwat | kwât | the coat |
manto | màntôo | the coat |
taguwa | tágúwàa | the shirt |
shat | shât | the shirt |
’yar ciki | 'yár̃ cíkìi | the shirt |
kwala | kwálàa | the collar |
kwal | kwâl | the collar |
tofi | tòofíi | the skirt |
siket | sìkêt | the skirt |
jup | jîp | the skirt |
fatari | fàatàaríi | the skirt |
bante | bàntée | the grass-skirt |
wando | wàndóo | the trousers |
soci | sóocì | the sock or stocking |
safa | sàafáa | the sock or stocking |
takalmi | tàakàlmíi | the shoe |
boti | bóotìi | the boot |
but | bût | the boot |
baduku | bàdúukùu | the shoemaker |
shumeka | shûuméekàa | the shoemaker |
hula | hùuláa | the hat or cap |
malafa | màlàfáa | the hat or cap |
ɗamara | ɗàmáràa | the belt |
bel | bêl | the belt |
hijabi | hìjáabìi | the veil |
aljihu | àljíhúu | the pocket |
maɓalli | máɓállíi | the button |
buto | bùtôo | the button |
anini | àníiníi | the button |
botin | bóotìn | the button |
fun | fîn | the pin |
ƙwalliya | ƙwállìyáa | the ornament or adornment |
ado | ádóo | the ornament or adornment |
dutsen wuya | dúutsèn wúyàa | the jewel |
zobe | zóobèe | the ring |
munduwa | múndúwáa | the bracelet |
warawaro | wáráwáróo | the bracelet |
abin hannu | àbín hánnùu | the bracelet |
’yar wuya | 'yár̃ wúyàa | the necklace |
dutsen ado | dúutsèn ádòo | the bead |
yari | yàríi | the earring |
’yan kunne | 'yán kúnnée | the earring |
shaushawa | shâusháawàa | the tattoo |
tsaga | tsàagáa | the tattoo |
jarfa | jàr̃fáa | the tattoo |
mayani | máyáaníi | the handkerchief or rag |
hankici | hánkícì | the handkerchief or rag |
mushuwari | múshúwàr̃íi | the handkerchief or rag |
tsumma | tsûmmáa | the handkerchief or rag |
tawul | táawùl | the towel |
sarbeti | sàr̃béetì | the towel |
matsefi | mátséefíi | the comb |
masarci | másár̃cíi | the comb |
kum | kûm | the comb |
fenni | fénnì | the comb |
buroshi | bùr̃óoshìi | the brush |
magogi | mágóogíi | the brush |
kitse | kitsèe | the plait/braid |
aska | áskáa | the razor |
reza | r̃éezàa | the razor |
mai | mâi | the ointment |
sabuli | sàabúlìi | the soap |
madubi | mádúubíi | the mirror |
zama | zámá | to live |
gida | gídáa | the house |
ɗaki | ɗáakìi | the hut |
tanti | tántìi | the tent |
mai laima | mài láimàa | the tent |
fada | fáadàa | the yard or court |
fili | fíilíi | the yard or court |
ɗakin maza | ɗáakìn mázáa | the men's house |
girki | gírkìi | the cookhouse |
zaure | záurèe | the meeting house |
soro | sóor̃óo | the meeting house |
ɗaki | ɗáakìi | the room |
ƙofa | ƙóofàa | the door or gate |
iccen ƙofa | íccèn ƙóofàa | the doorpost |
kwaɗo | kwàaɗóo | the lock |
kwaɗo | kwàaɗóo | the latch or door-bolt |
kwaɗo | kwàaɗóo | the padlock |
mabuɗi | mábúuɗíi | the key |
taga | táagàa | the window |
filin ɗaki | fíilín ɗáakìi | the floor |
katanga | kátángáa | the wall |
garu | gàar̃úu | the wall |
murhu | múrhùu | the fireplace |
murhu | múrhùu | the stove |
bututu | búutúutúu | the chimney |
kwaranga | kwàr̃ángáa | the ladder |
gado | gádóo | the bed |
matashin kai | mátáashín kâi | the pillow |
bargo | bàr̃góo | the blanket |
kujera | kújèeráa | the chair |
tebur | téebùr̃ | the table |
fitila | fìtílàa | the lamp or torch |
kendir | kéndìr̃ | the candle |
kanta | kántàa | the shelf |
komi | kóomíi | the trough |
akala | àkálàa | the trough |
rufi | rúfìi | the roof |
jinka | jínkàa | the roof |
jinka | jínkáa | the thatch |
jijjige | jíjjígèe | the ridgepole |
jijjige | jíjjígèe | the rafter |
jijjige | jijjigèe | the beam |
turke | túrkèe | the post or pole |
katako | káatáakóo | the board |
baka | bàkáa | the arch |
maginin gida | mágìnín gídáa | the mason |
mason | màasôn | the mason |
birki | bìr̃kíi | the brick |
bulo | bùlôo | the brick |
gwaɓi | gwáaɓìi | the mortar(2) |
tubali | túubàlíi | the adobe |
sansani | sánsáníi | the camp |
jema | jéemàa | to tan |
manomi | mánòomíi | the farmer |
gona | góonáa | the field |
lambu | làmbúu | the garden |
garka | gárkáa | the garden |
yi noma | yí nóomáa | to cultivate |
danga | dángáa | the fence |
zana | záanáa | the fence |
shinge | shíngée | the fence |
lambatu | làmbàtûu | the ditch |
kwalbati | kwálbátì | the ditch |
gata | gátàa | the ditch |
gwalalo | gwálálóo | the ditch |
nome | nóomèe | to plough/plow |
huɗa | húuɗàa | the furrow |
kunya | kúnyáa | the furrow |
haƙa | háƙàa | to dig |
tona | tóonàa | to dig |
shebur | shéebùr̃ | the spade |
shebur | shéebùr̃ | the shovel |
fel | fêl | the shovel |
fartanya | fár̃tányàa | the hoe |
garma | gàr̃máa | the hoe |
fok | fôk | the fork(2)/pitchfork |
mashari | másháaríi | the rake |
rato | r̃àatôo | the rake |
dirka | dír̃kàa | the digging stick (=yamstick) |
sarɓe | sárɓée | the lasso |
shuka | shúukàa | to sow |
iri | írìi | the seed |
figa | fíigáa | to mow |
girbe | gírbèe | to mow |
cire | círèe | to mow |
lauje | làujée | the sickle or scythe |
busa | bùusáa | to thresh |
wurin busa | wúrín bùusáa | the threshing-floor |
girbi | gírbìi | the harvest |
ƙwaya | ƙwàyáa | the grain |
alkama | àlkámàa | the wheat |
sha’ur | shà'îr̃ | the barley |
masara | másàr̃áa | the maize/corn |
shinkafa | shìnkáafáa | the rice |
ciyawa | cìyáawàa | the grass |
baro | báròo | the hay |
shuka | shúukàa | the plant |
shuka | shúukàa | to plant |
jijiya | jíijíyàa | the root |
saiwa | sâiwáa | the root |
reshe | réeshèe | the branch |
ganye | gányée | the leaf |
fure | fùrée | the flower |
itace | ítàacée | the tree |
inabi | ínàbíi | the vine |
taba | táabàa | the tobacco |
sha taba | sháa táabàa | to smoke |
lofi | lóofíi | the pipe |
kututture | kútúttúrèe | the tree stump |
gangar jiki | gàngár̃ jìkíi | the tree trunk |
gwafa | gwàfáa | the forked branch |
ɓawo | ɓáawóo | the bark |
ruwan bishiya | rúwán bíshíyàa | the sap |
giginya | gígínyàa | the palm tree |
goruba | gòorúbàa | the palm tree |
kwakwa | kwáakwàa | the coconut |
lemo | lèemóo | the citrus fruit |
ayaba | àyàbà | the banana |
dankali | dànkálìi | the sweet potato |
hatsi | hátsíi | the millet or sorghum |
dawa | dáawàa | the millet or sorghum |
dundu | dùndúu | the yam |
doya | dóoyàa | the cassava/manioc |
ƙwarya | ƙwáryáa | the gourd |
kabewa | kàbéewàa | the pumpkin or squash |
gora | góoràa | the bamboo |
rake | ràkée | the sugar cane |
naman kaza | náamàn kàazáa | the mushroom |
ƙaya | ƙáayàa | the needle(2) |
yi | yí | to do |
yi | yí | to make |
aiki | áikìi | the work |
lanƙwasa | lánƙwàsáa | to bend |
karkata | kár̃kàtáa | to bend |
naɗa | náɗàa | to fold |
karya | káryàa | to fold |
ɗaure | ɗáurèe | to tie |
kwance | kwáncèe | to untie |
sarka | sárkàa | the chain |
igiya | ígíyàa | the rope |
ƙulla | ƙúllàa | the knot |
buga | búgàa | to strike or hit or beat |
doka | dòokáa | to pound |
kutufo | kùtùfóo | to pound |
yanke | yánkèe | to cut |
sara | sàaráa | to cut down |
fille | fíllèe | to chop |
soka | sòokáa | to stab |
wuƙa | wúƙáa | the knife(2) |
almakashi | àlmákàshíi | the scissors or shears |
gatari | gàatáríi | the axe/ax |
gizago | gìzàagóo | the adze |
karye | káryèe | to break |
a karye | à kàryé | broken |
faskara | fáskàráa | to split |
fasa | fásàa | to split |
cire | círèe | to tear |
feɗe | féeɗèe | to skin |
shafe | sháafèe | to rub |
goge | góogèe | to rub |
shafe | sháafèe | to wipe |
watsa | wáatsàa | to stretch |
ja | jáa (1) | to pull |
shimfiɗa | shímfìɗáa | to spread out |
watsa | wáatsàa | to spread out |
rataya | ráatàyáa | to hang up |
danna | dánnàa | to press |
matsa | mátsàa | to squeeze |
zub da | zúb dà | to pour |
wanke | wánkèe | to wash |
yi shara | yí sháaráa | to sweep |
mashari | másháaríi | the broom |
kayan aiki | káayán áikìi | the tool |
kafinta | káafíntàa | the carpenter |
masassaƙi | másàssàƙíi | the carpenter |
gina | gínàa | to build |
huda | húudàa | to bore |
tona | tóonàa | to hollow out |
zarto | zár̃tòo | the saw |
hama | hámàa | the hammer |
guduma | gùdúmàa | the hammer |
marto | màr̃tȏo | the hammer |
ƙusa | ƙúusàa | the nail |
gam | gâm | the glue |
maƙeri | máƙèeríi | the blacksmith |
ƙera | ƙéeràa | to forge |
uwar maƙera | úwár̃ máƙéeráa | the anvil |
yi zubi | yí zúbìi | to cast |
zinariya | zínáar̃ìyáa | the gold |
azurfa | ázùr̃fáa | the silver |
tagulla | tágùlláa | the copper |
jan ƙarfe | ján ƙárfèe | the copper |
ƙarfe | ƙárfèe | the iron |
darma | dár̃màa | the lead |
gwangwani | gwángwáníi | the tin or tinplate |
darma | dár̃màa | the tin or tinplate |
mai tukwane | mài túkwàanée | the potter |
yi zubi | yí zúbìi | to mould/mold |
yumɓu | yúmɓúu | the clay |
gilashi | gìláashìi | the glass |
saƙa | sáaƙàa | to weave or plait/braid |
kwando | kwàndóo | the basket |
tabarma | tàabármáa | the mat |
kilishi | kìlíishíi | the rug |
raga | ráagáa | the netbag |
mafici | máfícíi | the fan |
fifita | fíifíitáa | to fan |
sassaƙa | sássàƙáa | to carve |
masassaƙi | másàssàƙíi | the sculptor |
gunki | gúnkìi | the statue |
mutum-mutumi | mùtûm-mùtùmíi | the statue |
cizil | cízìl | the chisel |
maƙanƙari | máƙánƙáríi | the chisel |
fenti | féntì | the paint |
zana | záanàa | to paint |
ɗiba | ɗíibàa | to draw water |
yi motsi | yí mòotsíi | to move |
mayar da | máyár̃ dà | to turn |
waiwaya | wáiwàyáa | to turn around |
ƙunsa | ƙúnsàa | to wrap |
naɗe | náɗèe | to wrap |
naɗa | náɗàa | to roll |
faɗi | fáaɗì | to drop |
murɗa | múr̃ɗàa | to twist |
tashi | táashì | to rise |
hau | háu | to raise or lift |
ta da | táa dà | to raise or lift |
faɗi | fáaɗì | to fall |
ɗiga | ɗígàa | to drip |
jefa | jéefàa | to throw |
kama | káamàa | to catch |
girgiza | gír̃gìzáa | to shake |
zazzaga | zàzzágàa | to shake |
kwarara | kwàráarà | to flow |
malala | màláalà | to flow |
nutsa | nútsàa | to sink |
tsunduma | tsúndùmáa | to sink |
yi lilo | yí líilòo | to float |
yi iyo | yí íyóo | to swim |
nutsa | nútsàa | to dive |
cafa | cáfàa | to splash |
tashi | táashì | to sail |
tashi | táashì | to fly |
busa | búusàa | to blow |
hura | húuràa | to blow |
rarrafa | rárràfáa | to crawl |
durƙusa | dúrƙùsáa | to kneel |
takura | tàakúrà | to crouch |
zurara | zùráarà | to slide or slip |
dira | díràa | to jump |
tsallake | tsállàkée | to jump |
harba | hàr̃báa | to kick |
yi rawa | yí ráawáa | to dance |
tafi | tàfí | to walk |
yi ɗingishi | yí ɗíngíshíi | to limp |
gudu | gúdù | to run |
je | jée | to go |
tafi | tàfí | to go |
hau | háu | to go up |
hau | háu | to climb |
haura | háuràa | to climb |
sauka | sàuká | to go down |
fita | fìtá | to go out |
zo | zóo | to come |
dawo | dáawóo | to come back |
tashi | táashì | to leave |
ɓace | ɓácèe | to disappear |
gudu | gúdù | to flee |
bi | bí | to follow |
bi | bí | to pursue |
fafara | fàafáràa | to pursue |
isa | ìsá | to arrive |
kai | kái (2) | to arrive |
kusanta | kúsàntáa | to approach |
gabata | gàbáatàa | to approach |
shiga | shìgá | to enter |
koma | kóomàa | to go or return home |
dawo | dáawóo | to go or return home |
ɗauka | ɗáukàa | to carry |
ɗauka | ɗáukàa | to carry in hand |
ɗauka | ɗáukàa | to carry on shoulder |
ɗauka | ɗáukàa | to carry on head |
ɗauka | ɗáukàa | to carry under the arm |
kawo | káawóo | to bring |
aika | àikáa | to send |
gabata | gàbáatàa | to lead |
tuƙa | túuƙàa | to drive |
hau doki | háu dóokìi | to ride |
tura | túuràa | to push |
hanya | hányàa | the road |
turba | túrbàa | the path |
hanya | hányàa | the path |
gada | gádàa | the bridge |
amalanke | ámálánkée | the cart or wagon |
taya | táayàa | the wheel |
bauta | bàutáa | the yoke |
kangi | kángíi | the yoke |
jirgin ruwa | jírgín rúwáa | the ship |
jirgin ruwa | jírgín rúwáa | the boat |
jirgi | jírgíi | the canoe |
kwalekwale | kwàléekwàlée | the canoe |
gadon fitowa | gádón fítôowaa | the raft |
matuƙi | mátúuƙíi | the oar |
filafili | fílàafílíi | the oar |
filafili | fílàafílíi | the paddle |
matuƙi | mátúuƙíi | the paddle |
filafili | fílàafílíi | to row |
matuƙi | mátúuƙíi | the rudder |
turke | túrkèe | the mast |
anga | ángàa | the anchor |
tashar jirgin ruwa | táshàr̃ jírgín rúwáa | the port |
sauka | sàuká | to land |
mallaka | màllákàa | to own |
ɗauka | ɗáukàa | to take |
kama | káamàa | to grasp |
riƙe | ríƙèe | to hold |
samu | sáamùu | to get |
riƙe | ríƙèe | to keep |
abu | àbù | the thing |
ba | báa | to give |
mai da | mái dà | to give back |
tsare | tsárèe | to preserve |
ceta | cèetáa | to rescue |
rushe | rúushèe | to destroy |
ɓata | ɓáatàa | to destroy |
ɓata | ɓáatàa | to injure |
yi wa wani rauni | yíi wà wani ràuníi | to injure |
ɓarna | ɓàrnáa | to damage |
nema | nèemáa | to look for |
biɗa | bìɗáa | to look for |
samu | sáamùu | to find |
rasa | rásàa | to lose |
saka | sàkaa | to let go |
kuɗi | kúɗíi | the money |
tsabar kuɗi | tsáabàr̃ kúɗíi | the coin |
mai arziki | mài ár̃zìkíi | rich |
tajiri | táajìr̃íi | rich |
matalauci | mátàlàucíi | poor |
matsiyaci | mátsìiyàacíi | poor |
fakiri | fàkíir̃ìi | poor |
maroƙi | máròoƙíi | the beggar |
marowaci | máròowàcíi | stingy |
ara | àráa | to lend |
ara | àráa | to borrow |
bi | bí | to owe |
bashi | báashìi | the debt |
biya | bíyáa | to pay |
diwani | díiwáanìi | the bill |
haraji | hàr̃áajìi | the tax |
gandu | gándúu | the tax |
haya | háyàa | to hire |
albashi | àlbâashíi | the wages |
ci riba | cí r̃íibàa | to earn |
saya | sàyáa | to buy |
sayar da | sáyár̃ dà | to sell |
yi ciniki | yí cìníkíi | to trade or barter |
fatauci | fátáucìi | to trade or barter |
ɗan kasuwa | ɗán kàasúwáa | the merchant |
kasuwa | kàasúwáa | the market |
kanti | kàntíi | the shop/store |
kuɗi | kúɗíi | the price |
mai tsada | mài tsàadáa | expensive |
mai araha | mài àr̃àháa | cheap |
raba | rábàa | to share |
auna | áunàa | to weigh |
bayan | báayán | after |
bayan | báayán | behind |
a cikin | à cíkín | in |
a | à | at |
kusa da | kúsá dà | beside |
ƙarƙashin | ƙàr̃ƙáshín | down |
kafin | kàafín | before |
a gaban | à gàbán | in front of |
a cikin | à cíkín | inside |
waje | wàjée | outside |
ƙarƙashin | ƙàr̃ƙáshín | under |
bisa | bisà | up |
bisa | bísà | above |
sama | sámà | above |
wuri | wúríi | the place |
waje | wájée | the place |
sa | sâa (2) | to put |
zauna | záunàa | to sit |
kwanta | kwántàa | to lie down |
tashi | táashì | to stand |
zama | zámá | to remain |
saura | sáuráa | the remains |
tara | táaràa | to gather |
ɗauka | ɗáukàa | to pick up |
tattara | táttàaráa | to pick up |
tara | táaràa | to pile up |
haɗa | háɗàa | to join |
gama | gámàa (1) | to join |
raba | rábàa | to separate |
kasa | kásàa | to divide |
raba | rábàa | to divide |
buɗe | búuɗèe | to open |
rufe | rúfèe | to shut |
rufe | rúfèe | to cover |
ɓoye | ɓóoyèe | to hide |
sama | sámà | high |
ƙasa | ƙásà | low |
sama | sámà | the top |
ƙololowa | ƙólóolówáa | the top |
gindi | gìndíi | the bottom |
ƙarshe | ƙàrshée | the end(1) |
mai tsini | mài tsìiníi | pointed |
baki | bàakíi | the edge |
gaɓa | gáaɓàa | the edge |
gefe | géefèe | the side |
tsakiya | tsákíyàa | the middle |
dama | dáamá | right(1) |
hagu | hágú | left |
kusa | kúsá | near |
nisa | níisá | far |
gabas | gábàs | the east |
yamma | yâmmá | the west |
arewa | árèewá | the north |
kudu | kúdù | the south |
girma | gírmá | to grow |
auna | áunàa | to measure |
gaba | gàbáa | the fathom |
babba | bàbbá | big |
ƙarami | ƙàrámíi | small |
mai tsawo | mài tsáwóo | long |
dogo | dóogóo | tall |
gajere | gàjéerée | short |
mai faɗi | mài fáaɗíi | wide |
a matse | à màtsé | narrow |
mai kauri | mài káuríi | thick |
ɓuɓɓukeke | ɓúɓɓúkéekèe | thick |
siriri | sìir̃íir̃ìi | thin |
mai zurfi | mài zúrfíi | deep |
maras zurfi | máràs zúrfíi | shallow |
a kwance | à kwàncé | flat |
a miƙe | à mìiƙé | straight |
a kantare | à kántàré | crooked |
a shagiɗe | à shàagìɗé | crooked |
ƙugiya | ƙúugìyáa | the hook |
kusurwa | kúsùrwáa | the corner |
kwana | kwánàa | the corner |
giciye | gícìyée | the cross |
fili | fíilíi | the square |
kewayayye | kèewàyáyyée | round |
ƙwallo | ƙwállóo | round |
gunduwa | gùndúwàa | the circle |
da’ira | dáa'ìr̃áa | the circle |
ƙwallo | ƙwállóo | the ball |
layi | láayìi | the line |
jeri | jéerìi | the line |
rami | ráamìi | the hole |
kamar | kàmár̃ | similar |
sake | sáakèe | to change |
canja | cánjàa | to change |
sifiri | sífìr̃íi | zero |
ɗaya | ɗáyá | one |
biyu | bíyú | two |
uku | úkù | three |
huɗu | húɗú | four |
biyar | bìyár̃ | five |
shida | shídà | six |
bakwai | bákwài | seven |
takwas | tákwàs | eight |
tara | tár̃à | nine |
goma | góomà | ten |
sha ɗaya | shâa ɗáyá | eleven |
sha biyu | shâa bíyú | twelve |
sha biyar | shâa bìyár̃ | fifteen |
ashirin | àshìr̃ín | twenty |
ɗari | ɗàríi | a hundred |
dubu | dúbúu | a thousand |
ƙirga | ƙírgàa | to count |
duka | dúkà | all |
yawa | yáwàa | many |
kuma | kúmáa | more |
kaɗan | kàɗán | few |
isa | ìsá | enough |
wasu | wású | some |
yawa | yáwàa | the crowd |
a cike | à cìké | full |
emti | émtì | empty |
wofi | wòofíi | empty |
kashi | káshìi | the part |
gutsure | gútsúrèe | the piece |
rabi | rábìi | the half |
kawai | káwài | only |
kaɗai | káɗái | only |
kaɗai | káɗái | alone |
na farko | ná fárkóo | first |
na ƙarshe | ná ƙàrshée | last |
na biyu | ná bíyú | second |
tagwaye | tágwàayée | the pair |
sau biyu | sàu bíyú | twice/two times |
na uku | ná úkù | third |
sau uku | sàu úkù | three times |
lokaci | lóokàcíi | the time |
sa’a | sáa'àa | the time |
sheƙara | shèeƙáràa | the age |
sabo | sáabóo | new |
yaro | yáaròo | young |
tsoho | tsóohóo | old |
da wuri | dà wúríi | early |
a makare | à màkàré | late |
yanzu | yànzú | now |
yanzu-yanzu | yànzú-yànzú | immediately |
sauri | sáuríi | fast |
maza | mázá | fast |
sannu-sannu | sànnú-sànnú | slow |
yi hanzari | yí hánzáríi | to hurry |
makara | màkárà | to be late |
fara | fáaràa | to begin |
farko | fárkóo | the beginning |
daɗe | dáɗèe | to last |
jima | jímàa | to last |
ƙarshe | ƙàrshée | the end(2) |
gama | gámàa (2) | to finish |
tsaya | tsáyàa | to cease |
a shirye | à shìryé | ready |
kullum | kúllúm | always |
sau da yawa | sàu dà yáwàa | often |
lokaci-lokaci | lóokàcí-lóokàcí | sometimes |
jim kaɗan | jìm kàɗán | soon |
da | dâa | for a long time |
abada | àbàdá | never |
kuma | kúmáa | again |
rana | ráanáa | the day(1) |
rana | ráanáa | the day(2) |
kwana | kwáanáa | the day(2) |
dare | dárée | the night |
alfijir | àlfíjìr̃ | the dawn |
jijjifi | jìjjífíi | the dawn |
safe | sáafée | the morning |
rana tsaka | ráanáa tsákàa | the midday |
da yamma | dà yâmmá | the afternoon |
maraice | màràicée | the evening |
yau | yâu | today |
gobe | gòobé | tomorrow |
jibi | jíibí | the day after tomorrow |
jiya | jíyà | yesterday |
shekaranjiya | shéekáránjíyà | the day before yesterday |
ƙarfe | ƙárfèe | the hour |
awa | áwàa | the hour |
agogo | àgóogó | the clock |
mako | máakòo | the week |
sati | sáatíi | the week |
Lahadi | Láhádì | Sunday |
Litinun | Lìtìnîn | Monday |
Talata | Tàláatà | Tuesday |
Laraba (Niger); Laraba (Standard, Nigeria) | Láar~ábà (Niger); Làar~àbá (Standard, Nigeria) | Wednesday |
alhamus | Àlhàmîs | Thursday |
Jumma’a | Júmmá’àa | Friday |
asabar | Àsábàr̃ | Saturday |
sati | sáatìi | Saturday |
subdi | súbdìi | Saturday |
wata | wátàa | the month |
sheƙara, shekara | shèeƙáràa, shèekáràa | the year |
hunturu | hùntúur̃ùu | the winter |
mai ɗari | mài ɗáaríi | the winter |
rani | ráaníi | the spring(2) |
rani | ráaníi | the summer |
kaka | kàakáa (2) | the autumn/fall |
fasali | fásàlíi | the season |
lokaci | lóokàcíi | the season |
ji | jí | to smell(1) |
sheƙa | shèeƙáa (2) | to sniff |
shinshina | shínshìnáa | to sniff |
sansana | sánsànáa | to sniff |
ji | jí | to smell(2) |
mai ƙanshi | mài ƙánshíi | fragrant |
mai wari | mài wáaríi | stinking |
ɗanɗana | ɗánɗànáa | to taste |
mai zaƙi | mài záaƙíi | sweet |
mai daɗi | mài dáaɗíi | sweet |
mai gishiri | mài gíshír̃íi | salty |
mai zartsi | mài zártsíi | salty |
mai ɗaci | mài ɗáacíi | bitter |
mai tsami | mài tsáamíi | sour |
ji | jí | to hear |
ji | jí | to listen |
saurara | sáuràaráa | to listen |
ƙara | ƙáaráa | the sound or noise |
mai ƙara | mài ƙáaráa | loud |
shiru | shírúu | quiet |
mai natsuwa | mài nàtsúwáa | quiet |
gani | gáníi | to see |
duba | dúubàa | to look |
kalla | kàlláa | to look |
nuna | núunàa | to show |
yi walƙiya | yí wàlƙíyáa | to shine |
ƙyalƙyala | ƙyálƙyàláa | to shine |
mai haske | mài háskée | bright |
launi | láunìi | the colour/color |
iri | írìi | the colour/color |
kala | kálàa | the colour/color |
mai haske | mài háskée | light(2) |
mai duhu | mài dúhúu | dark |
fari | fáríi | white |
baƙi | báƙíi | black |
ja | jáa (2) | red |
shuɗi | shúuɗìi | blue |
tsanwa | tsánwáa | green |
kore | kóor̃èe | green |
rawaya | ràawáyàa | yellow |
taɓa | táɓàa | to touch |
tsunkula | tsúnkùláa | to pinch |
ji | jí | to feel |
mai tauri | mài táuríi | hard |
mai laushi | mài láushíi | soft |
mai kaushi | mài káushíi | rough(1) |
mai santsi | mài sántsíi | smooth |
mai kaifi | mài káifíi | sharp |
dakusa | dáakùsáa | blunt |
mai nauyi | mài náuyíi | heavy |
maras nauyi | máràs náuyíi | light(1) |
mai laima | mài láimàa | wet |
a bushe | à bùushé | dry |
mai zafi | mài záafíi | hot |
mai ɗimi | mài ɗìmíi | warm |
mai sanyi | mài sányíi | cold |
mai ɗari | mài ɗáaríi | cold |
mai tsabta | mài tsábtàa | clean |
mai dauɗa | mài dáuɗàa | dirty |
duƙunƙune | dúƙúnƙùnée | wrinkled |
rai | râi | the soul or spirit |
yi mamaki | yí màamáakìi | surprised or astonished |
sa’a | sáa'àa | the good luck |
rashin sa’a | ráshìn sáa'àa | the bad luck |
yi murna | yí múr̃nàa | happy |
dariya | dàaríyáa | to laugh |
yi murmushi | yí mùr̃múshíi | to smile |
yi wasa | yí wàasáa | to play |
so | sôo | to love |
yi ƙauna | yí ƙàunáa | to love |
sumbata | súmbàtáa | to kiss |
runguma | rùngúmàa | to embrace |
ciwo | cíiwòo | the pain |
ciwo | cíiwòo | the grief |
baƙin ciki | báƙín cíkìi | the grief |
tsoro | tsòoróo | the anxiety |
juyayi | jùuyàayíi | the anxiety |
tuba | túubá | to regret or be sorry |
junƙai | jînƙái | the pity |
kuka | kúuká | to cry |
hawaye | háwàayée | the tear |
yi gunaguni | yí gùnàagúníi | to groan |
tsana | tsànáa | to hate |
fushi | fúshíi | the anger |
kishi | kíishìi | the envy or jealousy |
kunya | kúnyàa | the shame |
yi taƙama | yí tàaƙámáa | proud |
ƙalubalanta | ƙàalùubàlántàa | to dare |
jarumi | jáar̃ùmíi | brave |
tsoro | tsòoróo | the fear |
haɗari | háɗàr̃íi | the danger |
so | sóo | to want |
zaɓa | zàaɓáa | to choose |
yi fata | yí fáatáa | to hope |
amintacce | àmìntáccée | faithful |
na gaskiya | ná gáskíyáa | true |
yi ƙarya | yí ƙáryáa | to lie(2) |
munafunci | múnáafúncìi | the deceit |
yafe | yáafèe | to forgive |
mai daɗi | mài dáaɗíi | good |
mai kyau | mài kyâu | good |
mugu | múugùu | bad |
ba kyau | bâa kyâu | bad |
daidai | dáidái | right(2) |
barbai | bàrbái | wrong |
ba daidai ba ne | bàa dáidái bá nèe | wrong |
kuskure | kúskúrèe | the fault |
laifi | lâifíi | the fault |
kuskure | kúskúrèe | the mistake |
laifi | lâifíi | the mistake |
laifi | lâifíi | the blame |
yaba | yàbáa | the praise |
mai kyau | mài kyâu | beautiful |
mai muni | mài múunìi | ugly |
mai maƙo | mài máƙòo | greedy |
mai hankali | mài hánkàlíi | clever |
mai wayo | mài wàayóo | clever |
ra’ayi | r̃á’àyíi | the mind |
yi tunani | yí tùnàaníi | to think(1) |
yi tsammani | yí tsàmmáaníi | to think(2) |
zata | zàtáa | to believe |
gane | gáanèe | to understand |
fahimta | fàhímtàa | to understand |
sani | sánìi | to know |
cita | cìitáa | to guess |
kwaikwaya | kwàikwáyàa | to imitate |
yi alama | yí àláamàa | to seem |
dabara | dàbáar̃àa | the idea |
ra’ayi | r̃á’àyíi | the idea |
masani | másàníi | wise |
dattijo | dáttíijòo | wise |
wawa | wáawáa | stupid |
mahaukaci | máhàukàcíi | mad |
koya | kòoyáa | to learn |
karanta | kár̃àntáa | to study |
yi nazari | yí názàr̃íi | to study |
koyar da | kóoyár̃ dà | to teach |
ɗalibi | ɗáalìbíi | the pupil |
malami | máalàmíi | the teacher |
makaranta | mákár̃ántáa | the school |
tunàa | túnàa | to remember |
mânta | mântáa | to forget |
garau | gáráu | clear |
ɓoyayye | ɓòoyáyyée | obscure |
mai duhu | mài dúhùu | obscure |
na asiri | ná àsíir̃íi | secret |
tabbat | tábbàt | certain |
bayyana | báyyànáa | to explain |
manufa | mánúfáa | the intention |
buri | búurìi | the intention |
dalili | dàlíilìi | the cause |
shakka | shákkàa | the doubt |
tuhumta | tùhúmtàa | to suspect |
ci amana | cí àmáanàa | to betray |
buƙata | bùƙáatàa | the need or necessity |
mai sauƙi | mài sáuƙíi | easy |
mai wuya | mài wùyáa | difficult |
gwada | gwádàa | to try |
jarraba | jár̃r̃àbáa | to try |
haka | hákà | the manner |
salo | sálóo | the manner |
kuma | kúmáa | and |
da | dà | and |
saboda | sábòodà | because |
in | ín | if |
ko | kóo | or |
i | íi | yes |
na’am | ná’àm | yes |
a’a | áa'àa | no |
yaya | yàayàa | how? |
nawa | náwà | how many? |
nawa | náwà | how much? |
me | mèe | what? |
yaushe | yàushè | when? |
ina | ìnaa | where? |
wane | wànè | which? |
wa | wàa | who? |
don me | dón mèe | why? |
murya | múryàa | the voice |
rera waƙa | réerà wáaƙàa | to sing |
yi ihu | yí íihùu | to shout |
yi ƙara | yí ƙáaráa | to shout |
raɗa | ráɗàa | to whisper |
raɗa | ráɗàa | to mumble |
gunguni | gùngùníi | to mumble |
yi fito | yí fíitòo | to whistle |
yi ƙara | yí ƙáaráa | to shriek |
yi ƙugi | yí ƙúugíi | to howl |
yi magana | yí màgánàa | to speak or talk |
i’ina | ì’ìnáa | to stutter or stammer |
ce | cêe | to say |
faɗi | fáɗìi | to say |
gaya | gáyàa | to tell |
jawabi | jàwáabìi | the speech |
yi shiru | yí shírúu | to be silent |
harshe | hárshèe | the language |
kalma | kálmàa | the word |
suna | súunáa | the name |
tambaya | tàmbáyàa | to ask(1) |
amsa | ámsàa | to answer |
ba da jawabi | báa dà jàwáabìi | to answer |
yarda | yàr̃dá | to admit |
amince | ámìncée | to admit |
tuba | túubá | to admit |
ƙi | ƙí | to deny |
musunta | músùntáa | to deny |
tambaya | tàmbáyàa | to ask(2) |
yi alkawari | yí àlkáwár̃ìi | to promise |
ƙi | ƙí | to refuse |
hana | hánàa | to forbid |
yi tsawa | yí tsáawáa | to scold |
kira | kíráa | to call(1) |
kira | kíráa | to call(2) |
sanar da | sánár̃ dà | to announce |
yi burga | yí bùr̃gáa | to threaten |
yi cika baki | yí cìkà bàakíi | to boast |
rubuta | r̃úbùutáa | to write |
karanta | kár̃àntáa | to read |
takarda | tákàr̃dáa | the paper |
alƙalami | àlƙálàmíi | the pen |
littafi | líttáafìi | the book |
sha’iri | sháa’ìr̃íi | the poet |
mawaƙi | máwàaƙíi | the poet |
sarewa | sàareewàa | the flute |
sarewa | sàréewàa | the flute |
ganga | gàngáa | the drum |
ƙaho | ƙàhóo | the horn or trumpet |
caki | cákìi | the rattle |
ƙasa | ƙásáa | the country |
gida | gídáa | the native country |
gari | gàríi | the town |
birni | bír̃níi | the town |
ƙauye | ƙáuyèe | the village |
iyaka | íyàakáa | the boundary |
jama’a | jàmá'àa | the people |
mutane | mútàanée | the people |
kabila | kàbíilàa | the clan |
sarki | sárkíi | the chieftain |
sanda | sàndáa | the walking stick |
mallaka | màllákàa | to rule or govern |
sarki | sárkíi | the king |
sarauniya | sàráunìyáa | the queen |
adali | áadàlíi | the noble |
ɗan ƙasa | ɗán ƙásáa | the citizen |
mai gida | mài gídáa | the master |
bawa | báawàa | the slave |
bara | báràa | the servant |
ƴanta | ƴântaa | to liberate |
umurta | ùmúr̃tàa | to command or order |
yi oda | yí óodàa | to command or order |
bi umurni | bí ùmùr̃níi | to obey |
bauta | bâutáa | to obey |
yarje | yár̃jèe | to permit |
amince | ámìncée | to permit |
aboki | àbóokíi | the friend |
amini | àmíinìi | the friend |
maƙiyi | máƙìyíi | the enemy |
maƙwabci | máƙwàbcíi | the neighbour |
baƙo | bàaƙóo | the stranger |
baƙo | bàaƙóo | the guest |
gayyata | gàyyatàa | to invite |
baƙo | bàaƙóo | the host |
taimaka | tàimákàa | to help |
hana | hánàa | to prevent |
al’ada | àl'áadàa | the custom |
faɗa | fáɗàa | the quarrel |
maƙarƙashiya | máƙár̃ƙáshìyáa | the plot |
sadu | sàadú | to meet |
karuwa | káar̃ùwà | the prostitute |
yi faɗa | yí fáɗàa | to fight |
yaƙi | yáaƙìi | the war or battle |
zaman lafiya | zámán láafíyàa | the peace |
runduna | rúndúnàa | the army |
soja | sóojàa | the soldier |
makami | mákáamíi | the weapons |
kulki | kúlkíi | the club |
majajjawa | májájjáawaa | the sling |
baka | bàkáa | the bow |
kibiya | kíbíyàa | the arrow |
mashi | máashìi | the spear |
takobi | tákòobíi | the sword |
bindiga | bíndígàa | the gun |
sulke | súlkée | the armour |
hular kwano | hùulár̃ kwáanòo | the helmet |
buke | búukèe | the helmet |
garkuwa | gàrkúwáa | the shield |
garu | gàar̃úu | the fortress |
hasumiya | hàsúumíyàa | the tower |
nasara | násár̃àa | the victory |
kaye | káayèe | the defeat |
kai hari | kái hárìi | the attack |
kare | káarèe | to defend |
tsere | tséerèe | to retreat |
gudu | gúdù | to retreat |
ja baya | jáa báayáa | to retreat |
ba da kai | báa dà kâi | to surrender |
kamamme | kàamámmée | the captive or prisoner |
fursuna | fúr̃súnàa | the captive or prisoner |
gadi | gáadìi | the guard |
ganima | gàníimàa | the booty |
fako | fàkóo | the ambush |
kwanto | kwántóo | the ambush |
masunci | másùncíi | the fisherman |
fatsa | fátsáa | the fishhook |
murimuri | múrímúríi | the fishing line |
homa | hóomáa | the fishnet |
taru | táarúu | the fishnet |
ƙoto | ƙóotóo | the bait |
farauta | fàráutàa | to hunt |
buga | búgàa | to shoot |
harba | hàrbáa | to shoot |
jefa | jèefáa | to shoot |
yi kuskure | yí kúskúrèe | to miss |
rasa | rásàa | to miss |
tarko | tárkòo | the trap |
kama da tarko | káamàa dà tárkòo | to trap |
shari’a | shàr̃i'àa | the law |
fadar alƙali | fáadàr̃ àlƙáalíi | the court |
kotu | kóotù | the court |
yanke hunkunci | yánkè húnkúncìi | to adjudicate |
hunkunci | húnkúncìi | the judgment |
alƙali | àlƙáalíi | the judge |
juju | júujù | the judge |
joji | jóojìi | the judge |
mai kai ƙara | mài kái ƙáaráa | the plaintiff |
wanda aka gurfana | wândà ákà gúr̃fànáa | the defendant |
shaida | shâidáa | the witness |
rantse | rántsèe | to swear |
rantsuwa | rántsúwáa | the oath |
kai ƙara | kái ƙáaráa | to accuse |
tuhumta | túhùmtáa | to accuse |
hukumta | hùkúmtàa | to condemn |
tabbatar da laifi | tábbátár̃ dà lâifíi | to convict |
samu da laifi | sáamùu dà lâifíi | to convict |
saka | sàkáa | to acquit |
mai laifi | mài lâifíi | guilty |
maras laifi | máràs lâifíi | innocent |
horo | hòoróo | the penalty or punishment |
hukunci | húkúncìi | the penalty or punishment |
tara | tàaráa | the fine |
kurkuku | kùr̃kúkùu | the prison |
kaso | kásòo | the prison |
kisan kai | kísàn kâi | the murder |
zina | zìnáa | the adultery |
fyaɗe | fyàaɗée | the rape |
ɓata | ɓáatàa | the rape |
wuta | wútáa | the arson |
shaidar zur | sháidàr̃ zûr̃ | the perjury |
sata | sàatáa | to steal |
ɓarawo | ɓàráawòo | the thief |
adini | àdíinìi | the religion |
Allah | Allàh | the god |
coci | cóocìi | the temple |
coci | cóocì | the church |
masallaci | másálláacíi | the mosque |
sadaukarwa | sádáukâr̃wáa | the sacrifice |
yi ibada | yí ìbáadàa | to worship |
bauta | bâutáa | to worship |
yi salla | yí sállàa | to pray |
yi addu’a | yí àddú'àa | to pray |
fada | fàadáa | the priest |
mai tsarki | mài tsárkíi | holy |
yi wa’azi | yí wá'àzíi | to preach |
albarkata | àlbár̃kàtáa | to bless |
yi tir | yí tír̃ | to curse |
tsine wa | tsíinèe wà | to curse |
yi azumi | yí ázùmíi | to fast |
sama | sámà | the heaven |
samaniya | sàmáanìyáa | the heaven |
wutan jahannama | wútán jàhánnàmàa | the hell |
shaiɗan | shàiɗán | the demon |
gunki | gúnkìi | the idol |
maita | mâitáa | the magic |
maye | máayèe | the sorcerer or witch |
aljana | àljánáa | the fairy or elf |
fatalwa | fàtálwáa | the ghost |
ishara | ìsháar̃àa | the omen |
kaciya | kàcíyàa | the circumcision |
rediyo | r̃éedíyòo | the radio |
talabijin | tálàbíjìn | the television |
waya | wáyàa | the telephone |
tarho | tàr̃hôo | the telephone |
keke | kèekée | the bicycle |
dokin ƙarfe | dóokìn ƙárfèe | the bicycle |
basukur | báasúkùr̃ | the bicycle |
babur | bàabúr̃ | the motorcycle |
moto | mòotôo | the motorcycle |
mota | móotàa | the car |
bas | bâs | the bus |
jirgin ƙasa | jírgín ƙásà | the train |
jirgin sama | jírgín sámàa | the airplane |
lantarki | làntár̃kìi | the electricity |
batir | báatìr̃ | the battery |
ja birki | jáa bír̃kìi | to brake |
injin | ínjìn | the motor |
inji | ínjìi | the machine |
man fetur | mân féetùr̃ | the petroleum |
asibiti | ásìbítì | the hospital |
mai jiyya | mài jíyyàa | the nurse |
ƙwayar magani | ƙwàayár̃ máagàníi | the pill or tablet |
allura | àllúur̃àa | the injection |
madubi | mádúubíi | the spectacles/glasses |
tabarau | tàbàráu | the spectacles/glasses |
luleti | lùuléetì | the spectacles/glasses |
gwamnati | gwámnátì | the government |
shugaba | shùugàbáa | the president |
farzidan | fàr̃zìdân | the president |
minista | mínístà | the minister |
ɗan sanda | ɗán sàndáa | the police |
lasin | láasìn | the driver's license |
farmui | fàr̃mîi | the driver's license |
lambar mota | lámbàr̃ móotàa | the license plate |
takardar haihuwa | tákàr̃dár̃ háihùwáa | the birth certificate |
laifi | lâifíi | the crime |
la’ana | là’ánàa | the crime |
zaɓe | zàaɓée | the election |
adireshi | àdìr̃éeshìi | the address |
lamba | lámbàa | the number |
titi | tíitìi | the street |
hanya | hányàa | the street |
gidan waya | gídán wáyàa | the post/mail |
kan sarki | kân sárkíi | the postage stamp |
wasiƙa | wàsíiƙàa | the letter |
katin gaisuwa | káatìn gáisúwáa | the postcard |
banki | bánkìi | the bank |
kan famfo | kân fámfòo | the tap/faucet |
bayan gida | báayán gídáa | the toilet |
katifa | kàtíifàa | the mattress |
gwangwani | gwángwáníi | the tin/can |
ƙusa | ƙúusàa | the screw |
bus | bîs | the screw |
sukundireba | sùkùndìr̃éebàa | the screwdriver |
turnabus | tùr̃nàbîs | the screwdriver |
kwalba | kwálbaa | the bottle |
alewa | àléewàa | the candy/sweets |
bambo | bàmbô | the candy/sweets |
roba | r̃óobàa | the plastic |
bom | bôm | the bomb |
ma’aikata | má’áikátáa | the workshop |
taba | táabàa | the cigarette |
jarida | jàr̃íidàa | the newspaper |
kalenda | kàléndà | the calendar |
fum | fîm | the film/movie |
kiɗa | kíɗàa | the music |
waƙa | wáaƙàa | the song |
shayi | sháayìi | the tea |
kofi | kóofìi | the coffee |
gahawa | gàháawàa | the coffee |
kafe | kàfê | the coffee |
zama | zámá | to become |
ban da | bán dà | without |
da | dà | with |
ta | tá | through | | bà.....bá | not |
wannan | wánnàn | this |
wancan | wáncàn | that |
nan | nân | here |
can | cân | there |
dabam | dàbám | other |
mai zuwa | mài zúwàa | next |
duk ɗaya | dúk ɗáyá | same |
babu kome | báabù kóomée | nothing |
Short list
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]Turanci | Harshen Hausa |
bird | tsuntsu |
dog | kare |
louse | kwarkwa |
snake | maciji |
worm | tsutsa |
tree | itace |
forest | ƙungurmin daji |
stick | sanda |
fruit | ’ya’yan itace |
seed | iri |
leaf | ganye |
root | saiwa |
bark | ɓawon itace |
flower | fure |
grass | ciyawa |
rope | igiya |
skin | fata |
meat | nama |
blood | jini |
bone | ƙashi |
fat (noun) | ƙiba, mai |
egg | ƙwai |
horn | ƙaho |
tail | wutsiya |
feather | gashin tsuntsu |
hair | suma |
head | kai |
ear | kunne |
eye | ido |
nose | hanci |
mouth | baki |
tooth | haƙori |
tongue | harshe |
fingernail | farce |
foot | ƙafa |
leg | ƙafa |
knee | gwiwa |
hand | hannu |
wing | fiffike |
belly | ciki |
guts | hanji |
neck | wuya |
back | baya |
breast | nono, ƙirji |
heart | zuciya |
liver | hanta |
sun | rana |
moon | wata |
star | tauraro |
water | ruwa |
rain | ruwan sama |
river | kogi |
lake | tabki |
sea | teku |
salt | gishiri |
stone | dutse |
sand | rairayi |
dust | ƙurar ƙasa |
earth | kasa |
cloud | gajimare |
fog | hazo |
sky | sama |
wind | iska |
snow | ƙanƙara |
ice | ayis, galas |
smoke | hayaƙi |
fire | wuta |
ash | toka |
road | haniya |
mountain | babban dutse |
[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]- ↑ Ari Awagana, H. Ekkehard Wolff (with Doris Löhr). 2009. Hausa vocabulary. In: Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri (eds.) World Loanword Database. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 1668entries. (Available online at, Accessed on 2019-12-24.)